Firstly, a massive welcome back to 2025.
Class 3 have made a great start to the year. Our highlights have to be our English and History work. This week we have started a new writing journey throughout school. I have been so impressed with Class 3’s attitude to their work – remember to ask them about what we have been doing. On Friday, we had lots of clues and items to explore, linked to our new text. As you can see below, the children made some great inferences and we can’t wait to get started with our work linked to the story.

We were also impressed with the children’s work in History this week. To start our new unit, we began by recapping our learning from last term. We were so impressed with how much the children had remembered.

Class Targets
This week, our class challenge is to increase our reading percentage. As discussed in the school newsletter this week, reading is so, so, so important. We always see who has read 3 times on a Friday – please support your child in making sure they do not let their year group down. I wonder if the year 3s will beat year 4 this week?


Dates for your diary