Well class 3, we have got to Friday and we can tick off another fab week of home learning. You really have been so busy and have achieved so much. Yesterday I was treated to more fitness routines, more marvellous medicines, amazing work linked to fractions and more yummy recipes!

Today’s Challenges
As it is Friday, I am only going to set two small challenges today, this will give people a chance to catch up with any unfinished activities and be ready to start again on Monday morning.
English – Grammar and Punctuation – As we often do on a Friday morning, I thought I would set a little grammar and punctuation activity. Can you find the mistakes in Professor Fizz’s writing? Use the symbols on the right hand side to correct his work then choose one paragraph to write again correctly – Please write it in you home learning book or on paper and then upload a photograph to seesaw so you can show me your neatest joined handwriting. (Template saved on Seesaw)

Maths – Fractions – I have set two fraction games as 2dos on Purple Mash – have a go at them – one is the fraction pizza game that everyone likes!
If after these two activities, you have completed most things for the week, I have a special mission for you….you need to go into your living room, grab a blanket, snuggle down under it and WATCH A MOVIE! Let me know what you watch and feel free to send me some recommendations.
Have a fab weekend, play outside, be kind to each other and stay home and safe. Mrs A x
PARENTS – Please feel free to email me with any feedback, suggestions or questions. This week, I have tried to create activities that we would be completing in school so that the children’s learning can continue. If I am honest, I have found this tricky at times as I am not physically ‘teaching’ the work but I am hoping it has worked in some way. Seesaw is still very new to me but I hope it is proving a useful tool to communicate with each other! I am really impressed with all the work that is being completed and am loving seeing the fab ways you are all approaching it. Please do not worry if one day does not go as you plan or activities do not go as you hoped. My girls were both still in pjs at 11am yesterday morning but they were playing TOGETHER so nicely it seemed a shame to disturb them! Remember to make memories as well!! class3brandesburton@gmail.com
P.S. If you are bored over the weekend and fancy a bit of fun, try out Clare from Dancestars 80s Dance Session – we did it the other weekend and had lots of laughs!! https://vimeo.com/user109836250 If you enjoy Clare’s sessions, she is currently offering online sessions for £15 a month. I can provide details if anyone wants to look into it further. Just email me.
Such a busy week class 3…. well done for all your hard work.
From Mrs Ledingham
We love Libby’s face in the background picture of Pippa baking and Leo’s potato cakes sound yummy! You’ll have to post the recipe!