Morning Class 3, I hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed some family time together. We all had a go at ‘Draw with Rob’ as a family. Can you guess who’s drawing is whose?

I was really impressed with all your work on Friday, I loved seeing your timelines, I saw some very cute baby photos! Big shout out to Jacob, whose timeline took up the whole living room and both Leo and Ruby who made a video to show their fab work. Have a look below to see just a snippet of the work…

Well done guys! Right, now for today’s work….
Today’s Challenges

English – Today we are going to start a new English Unit, I thought seeing as we worked so hard on ‘The Sound Collector’ poem, we would have a look at some more poetry. To link to our theme ‘Buried Treasure’, the poem is called ‘The Magic Box’ here is our Viking with his magic box!
Today I would like you to have a listen to the poem using the link below. I have attached a copy of the poem to an activity on seesaw so you can follow along.
You have two challenges today –
- Discuss the poem with a grown -up, are there any words you do not know the meaning of? Can you write me a list of unknown words from the poem and use a dictionary or the internet to find out what they mean.
- Can you answer the following questions about the poem….

Maths – This week we are going to look at times tables and practice our skills.
Year 3s – Have a watch of the video uploaded to seesaw to practise your skills using the 3 times table, pause the video as required and complete the questions. The worksheet you need is attached to the activity as well. You can either print the sheet to complete it, use paper and upload a photo or complete it in seesaw using the text boxes. Let me know how you get on by adding a comment to your work underneath it. Year 4s, you have a different video and worksheet looking at consolidating the 2, 4 and 8 times tables.
The questions do get trickier as they go through so just see how you go, you could always use counters (lego pieces or even pieces of pasta) to create an array to help you.
Theme/Computing – Today we are going to start our Anglo-Saxon and Viking theme… by travelling back in time and becoming a real Anglo-Saxon or Viking. Use the picture below to create your own Anglo-Saxon or Viking name and then complete your own passport to the past.

You may need to do a bit of research on the internet to answer some of the sections and the websites below may be useful.
Both the above sites have lots of useful questions at the bottom of the page to click on.
Sorry if I am a little late approving your posts on seesaw today and tomorrow as I am in school again with the key worker children.
Have a great day x
PARENTS – Please look out for a parent letter with some further advice and suggestions. Please email me with any feedback or suggestions
William thinks 3 Maisie 1 Matilda 2 Mike and 4 you! Hope I got it right
You have got mine right Will!