Morning Class 3, I hope you had a lovely weekend. I spent ages yesterday cleaning and tidying Maisie’s bedroom – It was my act of kindness!! Well done to those of you who sent acts of kindness to Mrs Ledingham, she is very busy adding them all to her tree of kindness!
Right, onto this week…we have got a new English unit to explore, some more work on measuring, on Light and on our Anglo-Saxon theme…Let’s have a look at today…
Today’s Timetable
- Spelling/Phonics
- English
- Maths
- Theme
- Computing
Today’s Challenges
Spelling – Our spelling pattern this week concentrates on ‘ch’ making the ‘k’ sound, for example in words such as echo, ache, chorus. Please practise words with this spelling pattern this week. You may want to complete the crack the code sheet or the wordsearch (saved on seesaw) or perhaps write some sentences with the words in. Unfortunately there is no Purple Mash spelling game for this pattern. I will schedule another spelling time tomorrow so you can complete some more practise.

Phonics – Today I would like Mrs Prince’s phonics group to move onto the long vowel sound ‘i’ we already know ‘igh’ and today we will look at ‘ie’. Have a watch of the video below to see some examples of the sound.
Next, can you write labels for the following pictures. Can you think of anymore words with the ‘ie’ sound?

English – I was so so impressed with your finished poems – you all had such good ideas and I really enjoyed reading them. If we were in school I would definitely be awarding lots of class Dojo points!!!
Today we are going to start a new English Unit, looking at an Anglo-Saxon epic poem / legend called ‘Beowulf’. Watch the video below of the start of the story and then complete the activity below.
Can you create a story map to retell the story so far? Keep your retelling safe because you will need it later in the week. Below is the start of my story map, I bet yours will be much better than mine!

Maths – We are going to continue to look at measurements today…from the children who were in school, I noticed we need a little more work on using a ruler accurately, so I thought we would focus closely on cm and mm today. Watch the oak academy video and pause to complete the activities. Remember to post your strip measuring on seesaw to show me how you can measure in both cm and mm.
Theme – Last week in our theme session, we looked at creating our own Anglo Saxon settlement. Today we are going to explore some more about where the Anglo-Saxons lived. Have a read of the information below

Next, I would like you to draw an Anglo-Saxon house and label it with some facts to show how they lived.

Prior warning…On Thursday I plan to set the challenge of building an Anglo-Saxon house. This could be out of anything you wish…boxes, straw, sticks, card, playdoh, lego etc. I just thought I would give you a prior warning in case you wanted to save any recycling.
Computing – As we are spending lots of time online at the moment, I thought it would be useful to spend some time looking at how we can stay safe online. To start with explore the websites below
Next, I would like you to work as a family to decide on a set of internet safety rules to follow at home. Perhaps you could make a poster to show your rules and display it near your computer or tablet. Let me know the rules you decide by uploading a photo to seesaw.
Have a great day. Mrs A