Lots more great work yesterday Class 3 – you have some seriously good drawing skills – your houses and story maps were amazing!
Just a couple of quick reminders before we get started today…please remember to keep working on your neat, joined handwriting – just because your work is being uploaded to seesaw, I am still looking for super handwriting! Also please try if you can to add a title to your work, either written or using a text box on seesaw, as this helps when I come to look at it. This does not need to be much – just a couple of words eg. ‘English story map’ or ‘Internet Rules’. Little things like this, will just help us not to forget all the hard work we did last term on our presentation skills.
Right, onto today…I will give some shout outs tomorrow to the neatest pieces of work – the challenge is on…
Daily Timetable
- Spelling / Phonics
- English
- Maths
- Art
- Music
Today’s Challenges
Spelling – My spelling group, please continue to practice the spellings given yesterday, perhaps you could complete the wordsearch, crack the different codes, play a game of hangman or write some sentences containing our spelling words today. I’m in school again today and I thought we would use them to write our own crosswords. Whatever you choose will be good practice! A recap of the words…

Phonics – Building on yesterday’s work – today we are going to explore another ‘i’ sound – the split digraph ‘i_e’. Have a watch of Mr Thorne and then see if you can read the words and match them to their pictures (uploaded to seesaw)

English – Today we are going to complete a comprehension activity linked to the story like we often do in school. Watch my video again and then answer the different questions linked to the story.
I have made two sets of questions – an easier set and a trickier set – I’ll let you choose which questions you would like to answer. I have uploaded both the story so far and the questions to seesaw if you wish to answer on there.

Maths – Fab measuring yesterday guys, some more work on the relationship between cm and mm today. I have uploaded some questions for you to complete on seesaw – you should be able to answer straight onto seesaw using the T (text box). Remember…

Art – Today we are going to continue our work on Anglo-Saxon jewellery by creating our own brooches. I would like you to design your own brooch and then see if you can use foil to create it. Please do not worry if you do not have foil, you could use Playdoh, Plasticine, card or even make some salt dough. If you want to wait and buy foil, you could always use ‘finish off Friday’ for this activity. I can’t wait to see your creative work!

Music – Here is the next Music session in the unit from Oak academy, I hope you enjoy exploring beats.
Have a lovely day x