Class 3, what can I say!! You are officially amazing Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. Your work yesterday was so good and you battled so well!! I have never seen such a cool collection of costumes, shields, helmets and even axes, plus your dens were the best! I hope you all enjoyed our battle day!
Take a look for yourself…

So much fab work – just from one day!!!!
Another different day today as we are going to continue our Viking theme…
Just in case anyone wants to – like yesterday we have the chance to join in with the Jorvik Centre’s live sessions. If you missed yesterday’s, here is the link to today’s at 10am and 2pm. (I think the content will be very similar to yesterday)
Today’s Tasks
- Rune messages
- School Trip
- Jorvikanory (optional)
- Viking Games
- Art
Right, onto today’s challenges…
Activity 1 – To start with let’s go back in time and solve some rune messages…here are some of the messages I received from you guys on Tuesday and the alphabet to help you. Can you solve the messages?

Hint, lots of the messages link to the white stuff that was on the ground on Tuesday!!
Activity 2 – We are going on a….

Well, a virtual one! Click on the link below for a trip around the Jorvik Viking Centre!
Wow! I hope you enjoyed that. Next, I would like you to make a poster or information sheet to explain some of the things you found out and saw. Please add drawings and facts to make it look really effective.
Activity 3 (optional) Jorvikanory – As part of their Jorvik thing, the Viking Centre has arranged for some authors to talk about and read some of their books set in Viking times. Have a click of the link below and choose one to have a listen to, you never know, you might enjoy it so much that you want to get the book yourself.
Activity 3 – Viking Games
The Vikings liked to play different types of board games. Have a watch of this video to find out about a game called Hnefatafl.
It sounds a little bit confusing to me!
Another game they used to play was called Nine Mens Morris. Have a go for yourself…(this is a bit simplier – I managed to get the hang of it but didn’t win!)
Activity 4 – So, now we are officially Vikings and after half term, we will continue to explore more about Viking way of life. For your last challenge today, I would like you to draw a Viking…(perhaps you could be super clever and stick a photo of yourself in the face part to truly become a Viking!)
I can’t wait to see your finished pieces of artwork!
Have a lovely half term. Stay safe and I will see you online on Monday 22nd February.
Mrs A