This week I would like to set you two challenges for homework this week – a reading challenge and a maths one.
Reading – I have noticed some children are not reading regularly at home. Reading is so so important for all areas of your child’s education, so for this week’s challenge I would like you to get AT LEAST 3 entries in your reading log. I would also like you to complete a book review about a book you have read, your favourite story or a book you are currently reading. This could be as a written review similar to the one below (template saved on seesaw), as a series of drawings and captions about the story or as a recorded video. Please upload your reviews to seesaw – I will let you know which book I might read next!

For an extra reading challenge, can you find an unusual place to read? Here are our ideas to start you off!

In a bed tent with torchlight and under the table!
Maths – I am finding lots of children are struggling with knowing their times table facts by heart. Please spend some time working on these at home. I would suggest choosing a times table to concentrate on and reinforcing this until they know it by heart, we have talked about suitable tables to learn in school, using the order 2x, 10x, 5x, 3x, 4x, 8x, 6x, 7x, 9x, 11x, 12x . The following websites may be useful to keep practising, practising and practising! We will have a little mini times table test on Friday 7th May using the times table you have chosen to focus on.