Spelling – This week we have focused on making sure we can spell the common exception words from year 1 and 2. We have used different spelling games and purple mash to help us learn some of the trickier spellings. Please spend some time this week (and every week) learning some of the spellings. Perhaps you could write your spellings in sand or use playdough to make the letters. Maybe you could type them on the computer or just write some with a pencil. Like we talked about in class, first we need to focus on the year 1/2 words that we still find tricky before moving onto the year 3/4 words.
Please remember, if spelling out the words verbally, we need to use letter names not sounds.
Below are both the year 1/2 and the year 3/4 words.

Please upload any work to seesaw so that I can see all your hard work!