Another fab week for Class 3, it has ranged from place value work in maths to describing Rang Tan in English. From rock investigations in Science to starting to play handball in PE. The week has really been non-stop!
Our learning attitudes are good and we are working hard on our presentation and our work ethic – keep it up Class 3!

100% attendance.
Last week we all felt very proud to be the first class in the school to achieve 100% attendance for the week. Our reward was an afternoon off timetable. We have had our ‘free’ afternoon today and it has been lovely to see the children interacting with each other, chatting, drawing and playing games – I wonder if we will get another 100% week?
This week our reading percentage has dropped to 74%. Thank you and well done to everyone who has read at least 3 times. Please remember to record reading at home in reading records. Let’s see if we can improve our percentage next week. As a way to inspire you to read, here is a link to my girls and I reading a favourite bedtime story a few years ago. We hope you enjoy. Perhaps you could read a bedtime story to someone over facetime for one of your reads this week?
Well done to all those who completed their spelling 2dos on Purple Mash. I have set next week’s spelling for anyone who wants to have a practice.
Seesaw / Homework
I have had a couple of parents asking about new seesaw codes. I would like all children to just get used to accessing purple mash and times table rockstars before I decided whether to introduce another app. The children all have a homework folder in their drawer in the classroom in which to store any paper work completed at home – just send it in, parents are welcome to email homework if necessary to or can write a note in their child’s reading log to comment on completed homework.
As a one off, next week Class 3 need to come in PE Kit on Wednesday and Thursday (27th and 28th September)
Homework – Purple Mash familiarisation
This week we have all learnt how to log onto the chromebooks and then independently access Purple Mash. For homework this week, I would like your child to access their Purple Mash account and complete some of their 2dos. They will have their spelling activity but I have also added some maths games. The children may also wish to just spend some time exploring the site and the 1000s of different activities they can access. This will help the children to become more confident using Purple Mash and will consequently support their learning in school.
Have a lovely weekend
Mrs A
Thanks for the story .I really enjoyed it.
What fantastic news to hear that you achieved 100% attendance last week- that’s a great team effort class 3, and a well deserved afternoon off timetable.