I can’t believe September is nearly over and we are already a month into the school year. We have had another great week – thanks to all the parents who joined us on Thursday morning – sorry for putting you on the spot to share a describing word!! I’m sure you will agree that the describing words and the language the children developed was great. Here is the brilliant short film we are using for our English work in case you wanted a look.
I am pleased to announce that this week we had 100% of children reading 3 times or more!! I am so pleased!! So pleased that as a reward we will have a homework free week!! However, you still need to read, practice your spellings on Purple Mash and your times tables. Can we get 100% again next week!?
Our next spelling patterns will be based on the common exception words for Year 3/4 (words that we just need to be able to spell) I have set 2dos on Purple Mash.

Lets have another great week!