This week seems to have flown by because we have been so busy with some amazing work!
Firstly, I must talk about our English work. As you will know, we have been using the short film ‘There’s a rang tan in my bedroom’ and having written character descriptions a few weeks ago we then moved onto setting descriptions. We have completed our descriptions today and they are amazing.
I asked the children to share some of their individual favourite sentences and I am sure you will be blown away with their language choices!

We have now all almost finished our place value units of work. The Year 3s have worked so confidently with numbers up to 1,000 and the Year 4s have tackled up to the dizzy heights of 10,000. I am really proud of the knowledge they are developing.
Please make sure you keep practicing your times tables. We are going to start putting them on our quick starts in the coming weeks so that extra practice at home will be so important.
Reading Percentage
This week our reading percentage was 100% AGAIN!!! I am so impressed!!! We must say a massive thank you to Mrs Carey who has been in school twice this week to hear readers. She really helps with our reading percentages but remember you cannot have just reads from her and she doesn’t have time to read with everyone so please make sure you also read at home.

Homework / Computing
For the past few weeks our Computing focus has been online safety and this week we started to make information leaflets about how to stay safe online. For homework, I would like them to either complete their leaflet through the 2do on Purple Mash or make an online safety poster and bring it into school. We will be moving onto new Computing units next week so it will be the perfect end to our work.
Well done to everyone who is practicing their weekly spellings. Here are next week’s spellings….

Have a lovely weekend!!