As you can see from our list, its been a very, very busy week! Here a just a few things we have been busy with…
On Monday we found out all about the Ancient Greek Olympic Games. The children loved finding out about the different events they took part in and found it very amusing that they competed naked! On Wednesday we completed this work by making our own olive leaf wreaths and pretending we had won an event in the games!

This week we moved on from rocks to look at soils. The children enjoyed the chance to find out about different types of soils and look at and touch some different types. We had lots of great describing words to describe the texture and the feel before we worked out each soil type.

World Mental Health Day
On Tuesday as a school we explored mental health. We had some great discussions about how we can support each others and strategies to help ourselves if things are a little tricky. We all made a tool to help ourselves and each other.

This week our percentage dropped to 86% so unfortunately we didn’t get our 3 100% in a row. But we are aiming to make up for it again next week! We will get that 3 in a row!!!
Next week our spelling will be a consolidation of some of our spelling patterns so far this year. Can your child recall the different spelling patterns that each word uses? Can they identify the homophones? Can they use the words in sentences?

We have been enjoying our Science topic so much that I thought this week we could link our homework challenge to Rocks and Soils. I challenge you to create something to show me how a rock is made, the different layers of the earth or the different layers of soil in a media of your choice. You may wish to make the different layers out of lego or playdough or perhaps you could use some art and craft materials such as drawing or painting. Maybe you could make a cake showing the different layers or maybe use materials from outside, such as sand and soil to show how the layers can be seen. I have added some ideas and a recipe below…..

You can bring in your finished creations or email a photograph. I can’t wait to see what you get busy with!
Have a great weekend