I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas and a great start to the New Year. We have had a great first week of the term, settled well and completed some great work. On Tuesday we revisited our Class Charter using the book ‘Be You’. It was lovely to see that many of us thought ‘Be Kind’ was the most important characteristic to have in our classroom!

We have also made a fab start to our new English unit, begun to look at the Romans in History and continued to work on multiplication in Maths.
Guided Reading
We also made a start on our new text for Guided Reading, The Griffin Gate by Vashi Hardy. I have been very impressed with the predictions and inferences we have made just from looking at the front cover!
Last term some of the children bought their own copy of the text and have talked of buying our new one. If you would like to buy this term’s, I have found them cheapest on this site.
It is not necessary to buy a copy as we have enough for one between two but I know some of the children like to have their own.
Maths – Plea for Help
Recently, both year groups have been working on multiplication in Maths, in order to fully learn their times tables by heart, the children need to have regular practice at home. Please try to build this into your routine. The children all have access to times table rockstars and purple mash which contain a range of games and www.topmarks.co.uk also includes some fun alternatives.

Updates and Reminders for the start of the new term
I hope you are enjoying the range of reading books that the children are bringing home. I am constantly changing the books on offer to the children in order to really build that love of reading. Please feel free to chat to me if you would like any advice on books your child can read at home.
Please continue to record reading daily in your child’s home school record book. We are happy for the children to write down their own reading in their logs and we welcome comments linked to the events in the books. If they are recording independently, please ensure there is an adult signature each week. As a school, we aim for at least 3 entries each week. All logs will be looked at on a Friday, but we will continue to change reading books any day of the week as long as it is recorded in the log with an adult signature.
This term, Class 3 will be required to come to school in their PE kit on a Tuesday and a Friday
Here’s to a fab term!