Class 3 have had a great week! They have now begun to set our daily routines and start our different topics and units of work.
In English we have begun our character description unit using my fab new book, The Barnabus Project.

Next week, after writing our descriptions of Barnabus, we are going to work on designing our own ‘failed projects’ and then write descriptions of them.
In Maths, both year groups have worked hard to develop their place value skills – Miss Northen has been impressed with the Year 4s knowledge of thousands and the Year 3s have begun to explore hundreds – we look forward to more work on place value next week. An area we are working on as a whole school is using a numberline, this could be supported at home through activities such looking at numbers on a street and reading scales.

What’s happening next week?
Please remember our PE days are Monday and Wednesday.
All the children now have reading books and logs. Please ensure the children have their logs and books in school each day as we have opportunities for 1-1 reading sessions throughout the week. If anyone would like to volunteer to hear readers please contact myself.
Well done to all the children who have practiced spellings this week. Next week’s spellings which again focus on homophones (issued on Tuesday) can be found below. Can you think of any other examples of homophones?

If your child would like a further challenge, below you will find the common exception words for Year 1/2 and Year 3/4. Being able to spell these words is very useful and can speed up your child’s writing if they know these by heart.

Our Class Targets
We continue to focus on presentation. This week we have worked hard on making sure the date is written neatly and correctly. Please support us with this by ensuring your child can spell all the days of the week and the months of the year. Our presentation superstar this week was Olivia, who I have noticed always tries her best with any piece of work. I wonder who will be our superstar next week?
Diary Dates

Here’s to another great week next week
Mrs Altoft