
Another fab week in Class 3. We have all worked so hard on our setting descriptions in English. The children were set the challenge of drawing and then describing their own ‘Chocolate Room’ based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We explored both the book and the films before drawing our own. We had some fab ideas, including marshmallow stepping stones, toffee apple trees, chocolate waterfalls and much more. What would you include in your ‘Chocolate Room’? Watch the video for some inspiration…

Parents Evening

Thank you to everyone who joined us on Tuesday for a very ‘long’ parents evening! I thought it would be useful to share some of the websites and resources that I discussed with some parents.

Below are the Year 1-4 common exception words. These are words that cannot be sounded out and just need to be learnt. Within the purple mash spelling programme we will focus on 10 words from the Year 3/4 list each half term but if you wanted to check your child can spell all the Year 1/2 words and then work on the Year 3/4 that would be fab.

Maths, below are a list of useful websites with a range of maths resources. A skill that really needs to be worked on at home is learning times tables. This can be done through games on Purple Mash or TTRockstars (logins are all in your child’s reading log) or through rote learning, flashcards etc. It really is a valuable skill that just needs to be learnt.



Please feel free to catch me on the playground if you have any further questions

What’s happening next week?

Art Week – THIS WEEK! – Please ensure your child brings a small bag of collage materials. This can be pages of magazines, coloured wrappers, shiny paper, tissue paper, strips of paper, wallpaper left overs. We will be using them to complete individual collages linked to our Egypt work – greens, browns, yellow and blues would be brilliant.

Be Bright Be Seen – On Friday 25th October, the children are welcome to come to school in bright colours. This is to show the importance of making sure we consider the clothes we are wearing as the dark nights start to close in.

Have a go at this game to see if you would be seen on a dark night!



No new spellings will be issued this week due to Art Week – please continue to consolidate all spelling patterns from this half term using the spellings given out last week.

Diary Dates

Have a lovely half term when Friday comes.

Mrs A

Weekly Round Up 18.10.24

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