Another great week in Class 3. This week we have explored anti bullying, celebrated world kindness day and also Children in Need. As part of this work, we created a beautiful set of bunting with important characteristics of a good friend. The bunting is now up in Miss Northen’s office – she LOVES it! Pop in to see it if you get chance!

Class Targets
To continue our work from Wednesday on World Kindness Day we are going to have a focus on KINDNESS! How are you kind at home? What act of kindness have you carried out in school, Try to do even more every day!
Next Week’s Dates
Championing Maths – Monday Morning (18th)
Pedestrian Training – Thursday 21st Nov – Just for the Year 4s.
Wear what you want – Friday 22nd Nov – Bring in an item for the colour raffle – Class 3 is red