This week has flown by because we have been so busy! From pedestrian skills to diary writing, from learning about grid references to focussing on multiplication in maths – everyone has worked so hard!
In English we have been using a short film to complete diary entries in the role of the character. The children have worked so well on writing about the awful day that the character has. We only used half of the video so if you are wanting a sneak preview of what happens at the end…here is the link to the video!
In Maths, both year groups have been working on multiplication. In year 3 the expectation is to know by heart the 2, 3, 4, 8 and 10 times tables and in year 4 the expectation is all times tables to 12×12. Learning times tables is a life skill and can be used in so many other areas of Maths.
Please spend some time each week focussing on learning times tables. Please choose a times table to focus on and use times table rockstars/purple mash or the websites below to practise.
Or, if you want to be a little more creative, you could make your own multiplication game. You will find some ideas below. Have a look around the house to see what you can find to use, choose a times table to focus on and create a game. When your game is finished grab someone to play your game with.


What’s happening?
27th November – Come dine with me events. Join your child for one of Mrs Gell’s delicious roast dinners
4th December -Charlotte Eldred the artist will once again be in school working with the children. She will be helping them to design Doodle Art Christmas cards.
6th December – Dress Down Day – with donations for School Christmas Fair
12th December – KS2 Christmas Performance
17th December – Christmas Fair 2pm
19th December -Christmas Disco
Lets have another fab week!