
A massive well done to Class 3 for a great week of learning!

In English we have continued to use the book The Barnabus Project as our stimulus. Today we have enjoyed designing our own failed projects and we are looking forward to writing about them next week. If you would like to have a go at drawing in the style of the Fan Brothers the following video shows you how they do it – Can you draw Barnabus?


If you would like an extra challenge – perhaps you could make your own failed pet in a ‘plastic bottle’ Bell Jar. Take a look at this photo for inspiration.

Everyone has worked hard in Maths again this week. A highlight for the Year 3s was getting to write on the tables! We worked very hard on flexible partitioning and also had great fun!

The Year 4s also had a fun in Science this week exploring changing states of ice cubes and using thermometers to measure temperature.

We have had a very busy week!

What’s happening next week?

On Thursday the children will enjoy an assembly linked to European Day of Languages. Perhaps you could watch a french cartoon at home or have a French chat.

Please ensure the children have their logs and books in school each day as we have opportunities for 1-1 reading sessions throughout the week. We will look at reading logs on a Friday to see who has read 3 times and choose our star readers.


Well done to everyone who has been working hard to practice their spellings. Below are the spellings that will be given out on Tuesday.

Our Class Targets

This week we have begun daily handwriting sessions to really work on our handwriting and presentation. We will continue to build up our joined writing skills and we look forward to seeing the results in our written work.

Diary Dates

Extra Date for Class 3 – Tuesday 1st October – The children will need to come to school in PE kit as we will be joining in a Cross Country event at school. Please ensure the children also have a change of shoes to wear in school after the event.

Weekly Round Up 20.9.24

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