Over the past two weeks we have been exploring multiplication and division. Please work with your child to learn their times tables by heart. The end of year expectation for year 3 is to know their 2, 3, 4, 5,…
A Whale’s Tale
Over the past 2 weeks, Class 3 have enjoyed using the film ‘A Whale’s Tale’ in our English lessons. Last week we all worked very hard exploring the emotions linked to the characters of the story and we produced some…
Purple Mash – 2Type (Homework 16.10.20)
On Friday, we had great fun using 2Type to improve our typing skills. The IT Suite became quite a hive of competition we everyone trying to beat each others scores! We decided to continue this as homework – can your…
Classifying Animals using Venn diagrams and Carroll diagrams
This week we continued our work on classifying animals by using our previously gained knowledge to sort animals in different ways. We all worked well in pairs to sort the animals and even moved onto using carroll diagrams, using 4…
Addition and Subtraction (Homework 9.10.20)
This week, I have been really impressed with the children’s hard work to learn new strategies and we have had much success with both column addition and subtraction! Ask your child if they can explain each strategy to you. The…
Introducing FRECKLES!
Class 3 would like to introduce Freckles our very own sea turtle. Freckles is currently swimming in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of America! We have had great fun tracking him, finding out about sea turtles, researching the lifecycle…
English – Spelling (Homework 1.10.20)
Over the past 2 weeks we have been looking at the range of different spelling patterns for ‘ai’. We have been so busy exploring all the different choices. We have also had a focus on ‘tricky words’ to make sure…
Balloon Globes
In order to recap the continents and oceans of the world, we made balloon globes to hang in the classroom. I’m sure you will agree that they look fab and will be very useful for our theme….
English – Expanded Noun Phrases (Homework 25.9.20)
In English this week we have been working hard to use expanded noun phrases linked to our text ‘Somebody Swallowed Stanley’. It is a great story about the trials and tribulations of a plastic bag! Have a listen to the…
Classifying Animals – A trip to the zoo!
Today we started our Science work linked to animals and their habitats. We had great fun at the ‘zoo’ sorting the animals into their animal groups, luckily no one got bitten!