After weeks of preparation….tomorrow is the day of the grand opening! Class 3 have had some amazing ideas, they have worked so hard and learnt lots of new skills. Thank you to everyone who has helped with our project…we couldn’t have done it without you! I’m feeling very proud Class 3….Well done!!
Escape from Pompeii
In Class 3, we have been looking at the text ‘Escape from Pompeii’ and I am so impressed with the English work that the children have completed. Last week we wrote some amazing diary entries which are now on display in the classroom and the corridor – I am so impressed with the language choices and how hard we are all working on our handwriting. Likewise, I was also very pleased with the homework this week linked to the event – we definitely have some budding news reporters in the class! I was so impressed that, as a reward, this week I haven’t set any homework!
Look out next week for an extra special half term homework though!
Here is a photo of our display….

Volcanoes, volcanoes and more volcanoes… (Homework 14.5.21)
This week Class 3 have been busy with all things Volcanoes, we have written some amazing diary entries linked to our class text Escape from Pompeii, we have found out about how a volcano erupts, where different volcanoes are around the world and completed some fab artwork linked to Mount Vesuvius. I have been very proud!

For homework this week I would like you to find out some facts about the eruption in Pompeii. You can display this as a poster, information page, news report, video or anything you like! I can’t wait to see what you upload to seesaw.
Leo’s Cycling Challenge!!

Leo is currently working on a cycling challenge for charity. He has set himself the challenge to cycle 100 miles this month! We are all very proud of him in Class 3! If you would like to sponsor him, please click on the link below……
Good Luck Leo!!
Two Challenges (Homework 30.4.21)
This week I would like to set you two challenges for homework this week – a reading challenge and a maths one.
Reading – I have noticed some children are not reading regularly at home. Reading is so so important for all areas of your child’s education, so for this week’s challenge I would like you to get AT LEAST 3 entries in your reading log. I would also like you to complete a book review about a book you have read, your favourite story or a book you are currently reading. This could be as a written review similar to the one below (template saved on seesaw), as a series of drawings and captions about the story or as a recorded video. Please upload your reviews to seesaw – I will let you know which book I might read next!

For an extra reading challenge, can you find an unusual place to read? Here are our ideas to start you off!

In a bed tent with torchlight and under the table!
Maths – I am finding lots of children are struggling with knowing their times table facts by heart. Please spend some time working on these at home. I would suggest choosing a times table to concentrate on and reinforcing this until they know it by heart, we have talked about suitable tables to learn in school, using the order 2x, 10x, 5x, 3x, 4x, 8x, 6x, 7x, 9x, 11x, 12x . The following websites may be useful to keep practising, practising and practising! We will have a little mini times table test on Friday 7th May using the times table you have chosen to focus on.
Mountain Poetry
I have been so impressed this week with the hard work that Class 3 have put into their English work. We have produced some fantastic poems and used our IT skills to present them. Here is a sneak preview of some of our amazing work…lots of pieces are also saved on seesaw – please have a look there for our fab choices of adjectives and adverbs.

Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives and Adverbs….(Homework 23.4.21)
In English this week we have been looking at different word classes ready for writing poetry next week. For homework, your challenge is to to find some objects and write some words for each of the different word classes and upload them to seesaw. As a second challenge, can you use your words to write some sentences containing all the different word classes?

- For example …..

I can’t wait to read your sentences – maybe you can link them to our mountains and volcano work.
Starting Summer Term – Shake, Rattle and Roll
Class 3 have had a fab first week back….we have been busy starting our new theme focussing on mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes…we have made passports and thought about the kit we would need. We then applied for jobs linked to mountaineering….I think we have lots of budding climbers!!

We have also been very busy with our challenge to improve and area of our school grounds. We have planned, discussed and written letters…watch this space to find out what we have got planned!
Forest Schools Fun!
We had great fun as a Key Stage on Wednesday afternoon completing Forest School activities. It was lovely to work together as a key stage in the sunshine (even though it was a little windy)!
Homework – Next week we are having a whole school science week – one of the activities we hope to complete is making or own marble run. Please collect materials such as card and boxes/tubes for us to use. Please send them into school by Wednesday so that they can be rested to then use on Friday. Thanks