Plastic Recycling

I was so impressed with the homework I received on seesaw this week. You all found so many examples!

Thank you to everyone who has downloaded the seesaw app and accessed the work. I hope you have all enjoyed looking at and sharing your work with people at home. If anyone has any questions please feel free to email me on the class email address. I will continue to post website links, games and tasks to access at home.

Multiplication and Division (Homework 23.10.20)

Over the past two weeks we have been exploring multiplication and division. Please work with your child to learn their times tables by heart.

The end of year expectation for year 3 is to know their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times table

The end of year expectation for year 4 is to know all tables up to 12 times table.

There are many games on purple mash and also on websites such as www. and All children also have their own times table rockstars log-in in their reading logs.

Regular practise is the key!

A Whale’s Tale

Over the past 2 weeks, Class 3 have enjoyed using the film ‘A Whale’s Tale’ in our English lessons. Last week we all worked very hard exploring the emotions linked to the characters of the story and we produced some great emotion graphs. This week we are going to look at speech linked to the film. Have a look at the film yourself and see what you think the different characters would be saying in different parts of the film.

Addition and Subtraction (Homework 9.10.20)

This week, I have been really impressed with the children’s hard work to learn new strategies and we have had much success with both column addition and subtraction! Ask your child if they can explain each strategy to you.

The area that we need to continue to work on is simple quick recall of addition and subtraction facts to 20, that will support us in our methods. Please work on this with your child.

The following websites might be useful

For an extra challenge, can you complete this puzzle….

Feel free to write me a message in your reading log to let me know how you got on.

Introducing FRECKLES!

Sea Turtle Summer

Class 3 would like to introduce Freckles our very own sea turtle. Freckles is currently swimming in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of America! We have had great fun tracking him, finding out about sea turtles, researching the lifecycle of a sea turtle, drawing him and even making life size models on the playground!

If you want to see where he is, check out our display in the classroom or click on the link below…..

English – Spelling (Homework 1.10.20)

Over the past 2 weeks we have been looking at the range of different spelling patterns for ‘ai’. We have been so busy exploring all the different choices. We have also had a focus on ‘tricky words’ to make sure we spell these correctly in our writing. Please see your reading log for information on where spellings can be found on Purple Mash and also an extra wordsearch challenge.

Phoneme Detectives Case: Find alternative spellings for the /ai/ sound -  ppt video online download