Dare to Dream

This week we have had our second ‘Dare to Dream’ theme week. Our focus has been Global jobs and we have had lots of fun finding out about different jobs and the countries they originate from.

The highlight of the week had to be today when we spoke to Mrs Holland’s son David who works in Sweden for EA games. We actually spoke to him on Skype while he was at work in Stockholm! He was working on a new computer game!!!

Afterwards we were so inspired by his work that we had a go at sketching our own spaceship designs!

Next week we hope to hear from some more people with Global jobs. I wonder if we would like to work abroad one day?

Aiming High!

During the first week of term, we all set ourselves challenges that we hoped to achieve.
Some of our ideas included learning to do a cartwheel, reading before going on an iPad and gaining swimming badges. This week I was impressed to see swimming badges from Leo and Flossie. I was also so impressed to receive this video….I think we can all guess what he hoped to do! Well done Farmer JC!

Stone Age Food

We enjoyed being hunters and gatherers using our ‘spears’ out on the field. We then had great fun completing Stone Age menus – would anyone care for any sabre tooth tiger burger with dandelion and caterpillar chips???! Perhaps nettle and blackberry crumble would be more to your taste!!! The children had fantastic ideas!!

A quick catch up…

Well, it’s been a busy couple of weeks in class 3…..

In English, we completed some fantastic blackout poetry linked to the war and Remembrance Day. I was so impressed with the children’s very sensible comments and amazing moving poems. The children really enjoyed this different style of work.

In maths we have been looking at multiplication. The children worked well to address their friend’s misconceptions and explain what needed to be altered – keep up the hard work on learnings those times table facts.

Can you explain the mistakes here?