Are you ready?

Well the six weeks seems to have flown by! I hope you have all had a fantastic summer and I can’t wait to hear all about everything you have been doing and all the fun you have had!

I have been busy getting the classroom ready and planning lots of activities – hopefully the fun will continue!

Here is a sneaky peek at some of the classroom….

See you all in the morning!

End of the Year!

I can’t believe it Class 3, the year has come to an end! We have had so much fun and made some fantastic memories. It was lovely on Tuesday sharing memories and popcorn with you! You came up so many different ones – from fish keeper fry to Rangtan, from Hugo to mummifying dolls! Thanks for all the fun guys! Have a great summer and stay safe!!!

Sport and Health – Jobs Fair

Continuing with our work linked to careers. Today we were set a challenge to find out about different jobs linked to Sport and Health. We are going to write reports about the jobs and make posters to persuade people to consider these jobs. At the end of the week we are going to hold a ‘Job’s Fair’ to promote these jobs.

We need to find out lots about the jobs. Can you use the websites below to research the jobs ready to add the information to your reports?