We made the most of our visit to Hull and visited the BBC Studios, wandered around the Art Gallery and took place in a training session at the KC Stadium – we had lots of fun!

Welcome to the blog for Class 3.
We made the most of our visit to Hull and visited the BBC Studios, wandered around the Art Gallery and took place in a training session at the KC Stadium – we had lots of fun!
As we mentioned in our last post, we have been busy working on magnetic birds for a competition! We are pleased to say we came away from the competition with a winners plaque and many certificates! Although our flying bird was pipped at the post (the winners picked up 7 fishes and we picked up 6) we did win best design and also a certificate for our planning!! Well done Class 3 – our hard work in Science has paid off!
In Class 3 we have been very busy making birds for a competition. The birds had to fly down a zip wire and collect fish from the ocean!
We had so much fun designing, making and testing them. Here are some photos of our finished birds!!!
Throughout the school year, we have been working on our BIG Me Week’s, focusing on career’s and skills for life.
Each half term we have had a different focus – what do I want to be? – money management – science and engineering – words week – British values and coming soon inspire week!!
Throughout each of these busy weeks and also across all of the curriculum I have been busy making a video to show some of our hard work….here it is so far!
Which week’s did you like best? Have they helped to make you think about what you would like to do when you are older?
Thanks to everyone who helped to make every week a success! We certain had lots of fun!!
Before half term, we held a whole school British Values week to link with our BIG Me careers focus.
We were very lucky to have Alfie’s grandad come and talk to us about his careers in the Army and the Police force. We realised lots of the values he needed in his jobs, were similar to the British Values and also to our school values.
In Computing we have been looking at searching and presenting. We decided to link our work to Matt Dixon an artist who paints robots. We chose our favourite pictures and created picolleges of his work. I am very pleased with how our skills are developing.
Afterwards we worked on sketching and painting some of our own robots in a similar style. Please pop into school to see the finished display…
We were lucky enough to have a free session from Cook Stars last week. Everyone did a fab job baking bread. I hope it tasted as good as it looked!
Last Friday we brought mechanical toys into school to look at and share. We explored them, drew them, wrote about them and even advertised them. Mrs Altoft took some toys apart so we could see how they were made – she has now set us the challenge of putting the robot back together!
We have only been back 2 weeks and our classroom is already buzzing with inventions!! Have a look at our latest displays….
We had great fun today in our circus skills session with Mr Dan. We juggled, balanced, spun and worked so well as a team. Afterwards we produced some fab work back in the classroom, working on posters to advertise, writing about the session and using a song from the Greatest Showman to improve our comprehension skills – a fab morning class 3. Very proud of you all!