We have made a flying start to our Inventions theme. We have already thought about what we want to find out and today we were set the challenge of creating an invention. Here is the problem we were set and some photos of our design process and rigorous testing procedures…
Today we were set a final challenge in our fraction work. We have worked so hard over the last few weeks and I think it is safe to say we are fraction experts!
Follow the link below to see what we have been doing today…
Words Week
Class 3 had a fab time during Words Week
We spent time thinking about jobs linked to Words, we met and drew with an illustrator/author, we used the book Journey to create a fab retelling of the story – through text messages!!
We had lots of fun!
We even sent our work to the author and he replied!!
Science and Engineering Week
We had great fun last week finding out about all things Science and Engineering! We investigated light, built bridges and heard about some very interesting jobs linked to the two areas.
Thanks to the ‘dads’ that came to talk to us, we were very impressed!
Classroom displays
As you can see our classroom is coming together nicely….thanks to everyone who has brought in things for our displays.
Since we came back after Christmas we have been working hard on multiplication and division. We are working on building up our times tables knowledge – please keep working on your given times table and previously learnt ones. I have set some 2do’s on purple mash to help you.
Egyptian Cinderella
In English for the past two weeks, we have been looking at story called Egyptian Cinderella. We have had great fun completing activities linked to predicting, writing, describing, drawing and freeze framing…and we haven’t even read the ending yet! Super work class 3. .
Fishkeeper Fry
Before Christmas we won a competition to become part of this years fishkeeper fry. We have won a fishtank and each week for eight weeks we will receive fish, plants etc to go inside!!!! We are very excited about becoming fish parents!!! ? ?
Making music videos!
Today we have been practicing our timetables by making music videos! Our videos had to have one incorrect number sentence for others to spot. Click on the links above and see if you can spot them!
We are pharaohs!
We started our Tomb Raiders topic by becoming pharaohs! We thought there was no better way to find out about them, than to become them!