Class 3 have had an amazing week, we have been so busy starting all our different units of work and focusing hard on our presentation.
Firstly, I must share a highlight from last week…
Last week we focussed lots of our work on the book ‘How you do make a rainbow?’ This included reading and discussing the story, planning and writing our own poems similar to the book, completing rainbow maths activities and carrying our some AMAZING rainbow Science experiments!
Loot at our amazing results, we made rainbows and even tie-dyed our own rainbow t-shirt!!!

We plan to display some of this amazing work in the library so if you are ever in school – pop in to have a look!
This week has been equally as busy. We have all worked very hard on Place Value in Maths, begun to find out about the story Rang Tan in English and started our History work on Ancient Greece and our rocks and soils work in Science.
This week the number of children reading 3 times or more at home was 90% I am impressed with this but next week I want to try and beat it – can you read 3 times or more at home? I loved seeing all your different reading places (they are now on display in the classroom for everyone to see!) Maybe this week you could find a different place to read?
This weeks spelling focus for both the year 3s and year 4s has been homophones. We have learnt what a homophone is and used some in sentences. Next week’s focus will also be homophones. I have set the spelling quizzes for both weeks as a 2do on Purple Mash for anyone who wants any extra practice. We will award class dojo points to those who complete it.
This week’s spellings (week com 11.9)

Next weeks spellings (week com 18.9)

This week in our SPAG sessions (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) we have been looking at Common Nouns and Proper Nouns. The children will all bring home a Tarsia puzzle to complete together. The aim is to cut out all the triangles and then match them together correctly to create a big hexagon. Can they explain the difference between the two types of nouns?
If you are struggling, use this flow chart to help….

Hope you have a lovely week. Thanks to those who came to view our classroom. I hope you enjoyed seeing where your children spend so much time!
Mrs Altoft