Yesterday was another lovely sunny day and it looked like more fab learning took place, well done Class 3. It’s great to see how you are all keeping yourselves busy!! I hope you are not driving your grown ups mad just yet!!!

A big shout out to Zak for his fab Captain Underpants collage and also to Maisie who seemed to be very busy yesterday! Well done to everyone who took part in the scavenger hunt – Jack did it very quickly and Freddie added a worm into his hunting!
At my house, we had a morning of learning and then spent the afternoon working together on some new lego that Maisie got for Christmas. Remember things like this is still learning – we needed teamwork, instruction following, reading and perseverance!!!
I am not going to add anymore specific challenges today as I will be in school myself. Please spend time catching up on everything; maybe make a start on your ‘Trip to an unknown planet’ Holiday Brochure, practice some times tables or spellings and enjoy some reading. Please do keep up with these last three because they really are vital skills. Remember to upload to seesaw to show me what you have been doing. Below are some more web links you may find useful.
Staying Safe Online As we are all spending more time online during this time, there are some great new resources and home learning packs to help support safety online. Packs are available for different age ranges through the link below. Keep checking back as they will be updated regularly.
Andi Dawson As you may remember, during Reading Week we had a visit from local author Andi Dawson, she has now posted storytime videos on her Youtube channel :
And has also created lots of free resources and activities linked to her stories which you can download and complete:FREE resources Why not have an explore!
PARENTS – Please feel free to email if you are wanting any specific help in a certain area. I am trying to keep the activities interesting and fun please alter them to suit your child’s own interests or abilities. I would be happy to answer any questions or queries or discuss any requests or suggestions. I’ll be honest I’m finding this all very strange and I am missing the interaction of the children!!
Thanks for all your support.