Class 3 meet Dexter….Awww!! Congratulations!! That is the best photo ever Fred! I am sure you will all join me in wishing Freddie and all his family best wishes – enjoy guys!!

So while Freddie was enjoying being a big brother, there was another fab day of learning in Class 3 – I have been amazed by the medicines, puzzled by the photographs and impressed with your cookery skills. Here is just a snippet of the fun that has been taking place in the houses of Brandesburton! (Well the ones with Class 3 children in them!)

A big shout out to Olivia and Pippa (assisted by Libby) – who produced brilliant videos to go with their instructions – I wonder how many people will try your coronavirus cure Pippa!
Thanks to everyone who also caught up with tasks from earlier in the week and got busy with some baking – Liam I hope you enjoyed my Mars Bar Crispie Tray Bake, Zak your muffins looked yummy, Lachlan I hope the brownies tasted as good as always, Lucy your buns looked great and Leo well done on peeling the potatoes for tea. I think by the end of Lockdown you will all be pinching Mrs Gell’s and Ms Tomlinson’s jobs!
Today’s Challenges
1.Maths – I am really impressed with what I have seen linked to equivalent fractions, I have uploaded some more activities for you to try out. You can complete as many as you like – it is all good practice. It may be useful to look back on your posts to the fraction wall to help you if needed.
PARENTS – If you are wanting more help with explaining equivalent fractions, the following website has little videos to watch. There are 3 equivalent fraction lessons – one in week 2 lesson 5 and two in week commencing 20th April. I have attached some of the worksheets from this site to seesaw (answers can be found on the link too if needed!)
2.Wellbeing Follow Up – How well do you know your classmates? – Thanks for all your photographs, it was lovely to see all your precious items. Now it is time to see if you can guess whose is whose? I have made all the photos I received yesterday into big piccolleges and numbered them. Can you work out whose items belong to who? Submit your answers onto the template on seesaw and I will see who gets the most correct!

If you didn’t manage to get your photos uploaded yesterday, I will include a second round of the photos tomorrow so please upload some photos today.
Music – As you may be aware, BBC Bitesize has launched a new set of resources to support schools and children during Lockdown. I thought it would be good to try some of it out. Let me know what you think. Here is the link for today’s music lesson!
Feel free to explore some more of the site if you want to. Let me know if you find anything fun!
Mrs A x
Congratulations! Hope you are all ok and I can’t wait for a cuddle!
Wonderful news! Mrs L x
Oh that’s tricky, but with such good clues I think I’ve guessed most.
Love this task!
Mrs Ledingham
Congratulations Freddie and all the family!! Lots of love James.C x
Congratulations again to you all!! Lovely picture of Freddie with his new baby brother! Love Jack x
Congratulations Freddie and all the family. Wonderful news. You look so proud Freddie.