I hope everyone had a lovely weekend and that you are all back ready for some more fun home learning. I was looking through all of last week’s work and both you and your grown-ups should be very proud.
Friday saw more hard work, marvellous medicines (including one with chicken poo!!!), baking and movies being enjoyed.

Before we get started on today’s tasks – there are three more ‘living museum’ photos to guess…who do you think these belong to? I will post all the answers tomorrow so you can see how well you know your friends!

As it is Monday again, I would like to set another food/recipe challenge. Well done to the people who tried out the recipes or shared their own with me last week, I will definitely be trying out some of them soon!
This week, your challenge is inspired by Leo who helped to make tea last week…can you help out at tea time or make your own lunch one day? Post your photos to show me how you get on!
Today’s Challenges
English – Last week we looked at Chapters 1-6 of George’s Marvellous Medicine, now it is time for some more. If you have not read the story before, take some time to make a prediction…what do you think will happen when Grandma drinks some medicine? Discuss your ideas with a grown up and then read (chapters 7 and 8)/watch/listen to see what happens….
Wow! Is that what you predicted?

I am going to give you a choice of challenges today…(you are welcome to do both if you can’t choose!!) 1. Draw a large bottle of medicine. Collect adjectives and expanded noun phrases that describe the medicine and its effects on Grandma, writing them inside your bottle. 2. Using the website https://ifaketextmessage.com/ Create a text message conversation between George and his Mum to explain what George has done to Grandma. If on a tablet, the site site works best holding it in landscape. Type each message into the left hand side and it will appear in the phone outline. Remember to change over the message colour so you can tell who is texting. Click +addtextmessage to add another message. When all the conversation is complete, click ‘create image’ and then ‘download image’ to save it somewhere on your device. Hopefully you can then upload your phone outline to seesaw.
Science – Looking at last week’s Science work, I could see you clearly know lots of parts of the body, so now it is time to find out how some of them work. Starting with our skeleton….your challenge today is to create a poster to explain why our skeleton is so important. Can you explain which bones protect which organs? Can you include any facts about which bones are biggest and smallest? Remember to include interesting facts, diagrams and pictures?
This video may be a useful starting point….
Have a great day. I look forward to seeing your uploads Mrs A