Morning Class 3, thought I would try something a bit different for my intro this morning, let me know what you think to a quick video message from me occasionally – this one is a bit rough and ready – I haven’t used this software before and this was my first take!! Press play and see what you think…. (sorry I am so big, I couldn’t work out how to resize!)
A review of yesterday…..Amazing riddle solving yesterday – you all did much better than me! I really struggled with this riddle and had to ask for the answer in the end…

Did you work this one out? If not, this was the answer…..

Introducing Rudy, a bearded dragon – what a totally cool present!!
Here are some photos of some of the fantastic pieces of work I received…keep it up guys I’m very impressed!

Fab work guys…right onto today…
Today’s Challenges
Sentence Structure and Grammar – Like we normally do on a Friday, I thought we would do some grammar work, the link below will take you to a national academy lesson looking at adding ‘ed’ to words. We looked at this in Autumn Term so it will be a great recap. Please listen carefully to the instructions, pausing when you are asked and completing the activities as you go along.
When you have finished the video, I would like you to choose at least 5 of the spelling words and write them into sentences . If you would like a challenge you could try to turn your sentences into a mini story or paragraph of writing by making the sentences link together. Remember to post your sentences onto seesaw.
Maths – Two challenges today, firstly, I would like you to use your graph from yesterday’s Maths challenge to answer the following questions. (Questions also saved onto an activity on seesaw)

Because I was so impressed with your tally charts and graphs yesterday, your second challenge is to help Santa to sort out some of his presents that have got mixed up. Look carefully at each of the present types and sort them using a tally. When you have sorted them can you make a graph of the results and then finally, can you use your graph to answer some questions. All the information you need is saved as an activity on seesaw. Remember to post your work back to seesaw so I can see how you get on.

History – Before we start looking closely at Anglo Saxons and Vikings I would like us to grasp some understanding of what a timeline is. We looked briefly at timelines last term when we found out about the history of wind turbines but today I want you to find about the history of yourself and your family and create your own ‘family timeline’. You can go back in time as far as you want, you could include your mum and dad or even your grandparents. I would like to see special events such as brothers and sisters being born, starting school, going on a special holiday, a special birthday, a wedding etc. You could also include key events in History if you wanted such as the London Olympics or Lockdown 2020! You might need to make quite a long piece of paper! I can’t wait to see the amazing timelines you create! Below are some ideas for how you could set out your timeline.

Friday Treat – In Lockdown last year we always finished the week with a Friday Treat as a reward for all your hard work. If you keep working hard and impressing me, we can continue this idea….so here is your Friday Treat for this week…enjoy!
Have a lovely weekend…
paige who gave you that bearded dragon? its so AWESOME!!!