Good Morning Class 3, you made an amazing start to the week yesterday, I can’t wait to see what you get busy with today….No video from me today – I was too tired after a day in school and then approving over 100 pieces of work on seesaw and writing this last night….So it’s straight over to you……Here are the amazing passports I received yesterday…you all make fab Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.

Today’s Challenges
Rather than a video, today I have done a quick overview of today’s expectations…
It may be useful to refer back to this towards the end of the afternoon to check you have completed everything
- Spelling or Phonics
- English – Illustrate the poem
- Maths – Multiplication – You can choose your starting point
- Art – Exploring pattern
- Music – Exploring Pulse

Spellings / Phonics – If you are in my spelling group our spelling pattern this week is ‘y’ making the ‘i’ sound in words such as myth, pyramid, mystery and hymn.
Please practise words with this spelling pattern this week…you may want to complete the cross word (saved on seesaw)…or practise your spellings through the 2Do saved on Purple Mash…or write some sentences with the words in. I will be asking your grown up to test you on the ten spellings listed here on Friday (the words used on purple mash are slightly different but use the same spelling pattern) so it may be useful to practice each day.

If you are in Mrs Prince’s phonics group, you are going to be learning some phase 5 sounds this week. Please watch the two videos focusing on the ‘a’ long vowel sound – you have already learnt ‘ai’ and now will be introduced to a_e.
Watch this video and then see if you can find any a_e words around your house. Can you write down the words for me? I wonder how many items you can find.
English – Today we are going to build on the work we started yesterday using the poem ‘The Magic Box’. Today I would like you to read through the poem yourself and draw illustrations to go with the poem. If you have a printer, you could print off the poem and draw your pictures around it, if not just read the poem below and draw pictures to show what he puts inside then upload a photo to seesaw. If you wanted to be a little more creative, you could even draw the box with the items inside. I will leave it up to you – I can’t wait to see how you decide to complete your challenge. The pictures below might give you some ideas….

Maths – I was really impressed with your multiplication practice yesterday so I thought we would complete some more work focusing on some different times tables and also recapping division. Just like yesterday, I would like you to watch the video and complete the questions as you work through. However, today, I am going to give you a bit of a choice, like we often do in class, as to where you think you need more practice.
One video and questions will continue to focus on the 3x times table and division facts, one the 4x times table and division facts and the third on the 8x table and division facts. Think about how you found yesterday’s work – do you need more practice on the same times table as yesterday, or are you ready to move on. I have uploaded each one as a separate activity to seesaw so you can choose which to complete. I can’t wait to see where you decide your challenge will be.
Remember the sheet gets trickier as it goes along – so just try as much as you can. Good Luck!

Art – For Art our Art topic we are going to investigate Anglo Saxon jewelry and hopefully try to make some of our own. Below are some images of jewelry in the style of Anglo-Saxons. What do you notice about the shapes and patterns in the pieces? Please discuss your ideas with someone at home.

Your challenge today is to see if you can find any patterns in your home. You might need to look very closely at things. When you find something, I would like you to take a photograph of it on a tablet or a phone. When you have taken a few photographs, I would like you to create a photo collage of your images. Pic Collage is the free app we use in school but there are many others available. (Please ask a grown up before downloading any apps, the app will be very useful for a number of activities during home learning.) If you don’t have a device available please see the extension below…
Extension – Can you sketch some of the patterns and shapes you found? (If you are unable to take photos please sketch and colour what you find)
I sent my girls on a quick look around my house and this is what they found…

Music – This unit is based upon Duration and the first lesson focuses on Pulse, click on the link below and work through the video.
Have a great day. Mrs A