Some of the amazing work from the week….English…Maths…Science…Art…Theme….and much, much more!

Be proud of yourselves Class 3!
Right onto today, not as many tasks today as it is Friday and I like to give you some time for finishing off.
Daily Timetable
- Spelling Test
- Grammar/Sentence Structure
- Maths
- RE
- Finishing off
- Friday Treat
Today’s Challenges
Spelling – If you are in my spelling group, today we will have a spelling test of words linked to our spelling pattern. Please ask a grown up to test you on at least 5 of the spellings. Don’t worry if you don’t get them all correct, it is something we can all continue to practice throughout the year. A reminder of the words are below. Good Luck.

Phonics – I thought today we would recap both the ‘a’ long vowel sound and the ‘e’ long vowel sound by playing some online games. Choose a game and practise your sounds.
Sentence Structure and Grammar – Another Oak Academy session for our grammar work. Today, we are going to build on our work on simple sentences from last week and look at what compound sentences are. Remember to pause the videos and complete the tasks as you go along.
Maths – Today we are going to use our knowledge of measuring to explore some statements linking to our body. I would like you to choose one of the statements to explore – is it true or false? Use the people in your house to investigate. Upload your findings to seesaw.

Extension – When you have finished, can you think of your own true or false statement linked to parts of your body and use measurements to explore if it is true or false…

RE – If you fancy a spot of RE, Mrs Atkinson has sent us this…If we were in school, we would be looking at Faith Founders, starting with Guru Nanak and Sikhism. Click on the link below and find out about who he was and what he did.
If you want to find out more, I have added more information and some questions to seesaw.
Finishing Off Friday – Some of you may have a few bits from the week to finish off, if you do, please spend some time doing that today. I will archive all this week’s activities on seesaw on Sunday night so everyone can start a fresh on Monday. If you have done everything….which is the case for lots of you……..then it is onto the FRIDAY TREAT!!!!!
Friday Treat – Today for your treat, I would like you to wrap up warm and go for a walk, scoot or bike ride. Perhaps you could make your own scavenger hunt like Lara did earlier in the week or practise a new skill like Riley or find a massive puddle like Syrus!!!!

Have a lovely day and an fun weekend. See you on Monday x