Another fab day of home learning yesterday Class 3 – 112 pieces of work uploaded to seesaw! A big shout out to Paige and Georgina who I noticed made a real effort with their handwriting yesterday…I’ll be on the look out for more later in the week.
In school, I wanted to show off all your fab home learning so I put up a display to show how hard everyone is working….I’m sure you will agree it looks great!

Right, I think its time for some more learning….
Daily Timetable
- English
- Maths
- Science
- French
- Well-Being Wednesday
Today’s Challenges
English – So, some more work on Beowulf today. We are not going to read anymore of the story just yet, but today I wanted to concentrate on the two characters in the story so far – King Hrothgar and Grendel – they are two very different characters. Today I would like you to draw each character and write some words and phrases to describe each of them. If you want an extra challenge, you could use a thesaurus or the internet to search for more words.
Here is my quick example, I’m sure yours will be much better and you will think of many more words than me!

Here is the link again to my reading of the story so far just to remind yourself…
I can’t wait to see your drawings and words.
Maths – Some problem solving linked to measuring using cm and mm today. Start by looking at and discussing the two images below to recap the relationship between mm and cm.

Right, lets do some measuring…You will need to find some pencil crayons to measure for the task today, if you haven’t got any, find something else that you can measure that are different sizes. First you need to measure your items in millimetres.

Next, look at your data and answer the questions below. Start with the bronze questions. See how far you can get through the silver and gold questions. (if you have used different items, please just change the questions a little – its the measuring that is the important part!)

Science – Today, to continue our work on light, we are going to investigate the question ‘How are shadows formed?’ Firstly have a watch of the short video below…
Next, I would like you to try out one of these activities below to explore how shadows are formed for yourself…
- Can you make a shadow torch?

2. Can you make a shadow puppet theatre? We made one at home a few weeks ago. Perhaps you could use yours to retell the story of Beowulf?

3. Can you use a torch and some objects to carry out a mini investigation to answer the lion’s question?

As you explore the shadows you create, discuss what happens to the shadow when it is close to the light source and when it is further away. Can you upload a video to seesaw to tell me/show me what you find out?
French – How did you get on with learning the names for pet animals last week? Feeling confident? Today you are going to watch a short video story. It is a modern twist on the Aesop’s fable The Tortoise and the Hare which I’m sure most of you will be familiar with. In French it is called Le liėvre et la tortue.
You won’t recognise all of the vocabulary but have a look at this clip which will give you the key vocabulary and English translation.
Pause the clip after the first slide and watch the story video below. Then you can return to the vocabulary clip to hear your task explained on the second slide.
Did you go back and play the second slide on the vocabulary clip? If so you will know that your task is to look at the pictures from the story and sequence them. There is a template on Seesaw for this so you don’t have to download and print the sheet if you don’t want to.
Challenge activity: Can you add the correct captions (in French?) to the pictures? There is a second template on Seesaw which will show you the correct sequence for the pictures but the captions are now mixed up! (Don’t peek until you have completed the first activity!) Can you rearrange them? You can refer back to the vocabulary snip and the story video to help you, pausing each one when you need to.
Finally there is a word search for you to do based on the video story. Bonne chance!

Wellbeing – You have been away from your friends for a few weeks now and you must be missing them lots. For your well being challenge today I would like you to phone/video call a friend. Have a chat with them, share some jokes, tell them what you have been doing…laugh and enjoy their company! If you have no-one to ring please send me a message before 2pm on seesaw or email and I will give you a call!
Have a great day!!