Wow Class 3 it is Friday again! I like Friday’s because I get to share some of your fab work with everyone – there was so much of it this week that it was hard to choose – I have gone with your amazing Theme Park Maps…introducing VIKING WORLD….

They are so good! Right, onto today, I can’t wait to see all your finished theme park leaflets, I’ve posted someone’s below to give you some ideas – it is very impressive! There are also some maths games and the chance to finish off. Have a lovely weekend when it comes! Go get busy!
Daily Timetable
- Sentence Structure/Grammar
- English
- Maths
- RE
- Finishing off
- Friday Treat
Today’s Challenges
Sentence Structure/Grammar – The final session from Oak Academy on complex sentences for you to complete first this morning. Listen carefully and pause the video as required. Maybe you could try to include some of these sentences in your theme park leaflet.
English – As I said yesterday, I would like you to complete your theme park leaflet today. When you have added all the writing and information in, perhaps think about the colours you could use to make it more attractive and appealing. Have a look at these great examples….

If you want an extra challenge, you could add further detail to the other side of your leaflet giving the reader more detail about rides and special events at the park – maybe you could have an Annual Battle Day where everyone dresses up as a Viking! If you wanted to do even more, you could design a ticket!
I can’t wait to see your finished leaflets. If they are as good as your maps, I will be very proud!
Maths – To continue our work on time, I have found some games for us to play. The following websites may be useful and I have saved some different activities to seesaw – it will all be good practise!
RE – Who celebrated pancake day last week? Pancake Day, or Shrove Tuesday is when Christians use up all ingredients in their cupboards so that they can start Lent the next day.The ingredients – eggs, flour, milk – used to be very common things for people to give up for Lent, so it made sense to use them all up.Lent is the time up to Easter, the most important time in the Christian calendar. Have a watch of the video to find out why we have lent.
Have you or any of your family given anything up for lent? What could you give up? Have a chat as a family and maybe think of something you could do.
Finishing off – Have a look back through the blog and see what you need to finish off. Perhaps you need to complete your leaflet or create your Viking timeline. If you have nothing to complete – it is onto the Friday Treat.
Friday Treat – As I am in school today, I thought we would end the week with a drawing session. In half term, I spent a lot of time drawing with my girls. Maisie likes to use Kids Art Hub so I thought we could use one from this site today! Maisie’s favourite’s are the folded art ones, I have posted two for you to choose from but there are literally hundreds on the site if you want something different….enjoy drawing!!
Have a lovely day and a fab weekend. See you on Monday for our final week of home learning!!!!
Mrs A x