IT’S THE FINAL WEEK OF HOME LEARNING – This time next week we will be back in the classroom!! So, for one last week – let’s make a massive effort to work hard so we are ready for Monday! A quick reminder – Please remember to send me a selfie if you haven’t already – I would like to do something with them later this week!?!
So, this week, we have got some more work linked to our theme park Viking World, a little more on telling the time and some more work linked to the Vikings – Let’s get started!
Daily Timetable
- Spelling/Phonics
- English
- Maths
- Theme
- Computing
Today’s Challenges
Spelling – Today we explore another spelling pattern, ‘ch’ making the ‘sh’ sound for example in words such as chef, chute and chalet. To start with, can you complete this wordsearch…
Next, I would like you to choose your task to practice the words below. I have added 6 choices of task…you can choose!

Phonics – A little more long vowel practice today, to start with, let’s practice your reading, have a go at ‘poop deck pirates’ choose the phase 5 tab and then two long vowel sounds to practice. Can you read the real and nonsense words?
Next, some writing, can you practise your split digraphs by writing the words to match the photos?

English – I enjoyed looking through all your maps and leaflets so much that I thought we needed to do some more work on ‘Viking World’ this week. Today and tomorrow I would like to set you the challenge of making your own theme park TV advert. To begin with I would like you to have a watch of the following theme park adverts and talk about what they show.
Next, I would like you to plan your advert ready for filming tomorrow. You might want to star in the advert yourself, use toys for example lego or playmobil to set up your scene or draw pictures as part of your advert. Please spend today getting your ideas together ready to film tomorrow. I have added a template to seesaw which may be helpful.
Here is a quick plan for my advert – if I get chance to record it tonight after school, I will put it on the blog tomorrow.

Maths – For our work on time today, I would like us to explore ‘am’ and ‘pm’. To start with work through this session from the Oak Academy to find out what ‘am’ and ‘pm’ mean…..
Next, I would like you to think about things you do during the day. Can you sort them into ‘am’ and ‘pm’? Split your paper down the middle and write ‘am’ at the top of one side and ‘pm’ on the other side. Can you draw some different events throughout your day? As an extra challenge, try to write the time you do each one using digital time. Here are a few ideas to help….

Theme – For our theme work today, I would like to look at where the Vikings came from and where they invaded. From last week, can you remember what countries they came from?
Today, I would like you create your own Viking Invasion Map. (sheets can be found on seesaw)

This website may help
For an extra challenge, can you label some towns and cities on the map that the Vikings settled in?
Computing – So, last week we found out what animation was and had a go at some early animation devices. Today I would like you research an early animator. I have found two for you to look at. The first you will have all heard of ,Walt Disney, and the second is less well known, Lotte Reiniger. I would like you to choose one person and using the following websites and videos, make me a fact file about them. I have added two fact file templates to seesaw for you to use if you wish.
Walt Disney
Lotte Reiniger
I hope you all have a great day