Good Morning Class 3, today is our last individual class blog post as tomorrow and Friday, we will be celebrating World Book Day as a school. So, today will have lots of finishing off and a special wellbeing post at the end – please make sure you read that far!!
As Thursday and Friday will be a little different, I thought I would post the work celebration today…I just had to share some of your fab adverts from our English work….VIKING WORLD is officially the place to visit….I am so impressed with your talents…and so pleased to hear that you enjoyed making them…
Grab a drink and a biscuit and enjoy….
They are simply fab!
Right, go get started with today’s work….
Daily Timetable
- English
- Maths
- PE
- French
- Wellbeing
Today’s Challenges
English – I hope you enjoyed watching each others adverts – I thought they were fab! For our last English lesson, I thought we could pretend we had visited Viking World and write some reviews. Tripadvisor is a website which people use to tell others about places they have visited. Some reviews explain how great the place is, others are not complimentary. Have a look at the reviews below for some ideas….

Today I would like you to pretend you have visited your Viking World and write a review for it. You can be positive or not so positive – I will leave that choice up to you! Remember to give your theme park a rating out of 5 as well. I can’t wait to read your reviews.
Maths – For our final lesson on time, I would like you to explore how long some different things take. To start with I would like you to estimate how long a minute takes. Ask a grown up to set a timer and then tell them when you think the minute is up. How close were you? Repeat it a second time – are you closer? Maybe you could compete against someone else at home and see who can get closest to a minute.
Next, I would like you to see how many times you can complete some different tasks in a minute. First of all make an estimate the activity and then test it out. For example. I estimate I can write my name 12 times in a minute…I’ll time myself….
Ok, so I cheated a little!! I actually did it 20 times!
After that, do the same for the other activities. I wonder which activity you will be able to do the most times in a minute. Have fun experimenting!

PE – Another lesson from Mr Dineen today…you will need a pair of socks!??!
French – Our final fab French lesson from Mrs Platten today…choose a game or two to play….
Bonjour tout le monde, ça va? Hello everyone, how are you? I thought we could play a couple of games today to recap our work on animals. Click the video when you are ready to start.
If you enjoyed that game you can play against family at home or friends in the classroom on lots of different topics, as well as pets, to improve your French vocabulary. Here’s the link to the hangman game.
or you can try the four in a row game too
If you look at the main menu on the same website
you will also discover lots of other games to consolidate and improve your vocabulary. Have fun exploring.
Now for another game. It’s a version of a memory game that we call Kim’s Game in English but it doesn’t have a French name so I’m going to call it Le jeu de Madame Platten!
Click on the link when you are ready.
I hope you enjoy playing games to support your learning. Au revoir!
Wellbeing – As I said at the beginning of today, this will be our last individual blog post as tomorrow and Friday we will celebrate World Book Day. So, I wanted to take the advantage to say a massive

You have all worked so hard and made me so proud. So for your final wellbeing challenge I would like you to tidy away your things and go and do something you enjoy to give your parents 5 minutes peace.
Parents, I would like you to sit down with a cup of tea (or something stronger!) and accept a massive

from me! The last 2 months really couldn’t have happened without you guys and I appreciate the time, effort and hard work you have put into helping your child!

Only 2 more days to go, I hope you will find the book related activities I have planned fun. x