Firstly I must say how fab all the children looked today…thank you so much for helping with costumes etc. We have had a fab day exploring items from World War Two, comparing suitcases, looking at lives of children evacuated during WW2 and even VISITING an air raid shelter.

We had some fantastic discussions about what the evacuees would have taken and the reasons for this. We talked about the types of games they might have played and the toys they might have packed. We discussed that there would have been no logos on clothing and how many items of clothing were mended rather than buying new.
For homework this week, I would like you to design a suitcase and consider the contents that an evacuee would pack.
This could be done as a labelled drawing, packing a real suitcase with items or even making your own suitcase and filling it with items. I can’t wait to see what you choose to do.

Please upload your photographs to seesaw. Please ensure all homework is completed by Friday 22nd October so we can share them before half term.