We have had another amazingly busy week in Class 3. We have begun work on our new English text ‘The Secret of Black Rock’ and started to look at multiplication in Maths.

Last Friday we set ourselves Goals to link to our Jigsaw work – it was great to see the children thinking about things they wanted to achieve – we had it all – from completing the blue trail at Dalby Forest, learning to play the recorder and tidying their bedroom. In the next few weeks we will be looking at the small steps we will need to achieve our goals. We have also started our work on coasts by finding out about the oceans of the world and we have completed some brilliant artist profiles to begin our work on Monet. We have been so busy!

I must also mention how well the children did in swimming this week. They had a great time in the pool!


For homework this week I would like you to work on learning your times tables. Please choose a times table to focus on and use times table rockstars/purple mash or the websites below to practise.




Or, if you want to be a little more creative, you could make your own multiplication game. You will find some ideas below. Have a look around the house to see what you can find to use, choose a times table to focus on and create a game. When your game is finished grab someone to play your game with. I can’t wait to see photographs of your ideas and of you playing your game.

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Please remember….

The end of year expectation for year 3 is to know their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times table

The end of year expectation for year 4 is to know all tables up to 12 times table.

Regular practise really is the key!

Weekly Round-up (Homework 14.1.21)

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