We had great fun with Class 5, designing, making and testing marble run. It was quite a tricky challenge getting the ball to roll continually but also not too quickly! Hattie, Claudia, Matthew, Lucy and Lewis were the winning team…
Jobs Fair
Thanks to everyone who attended our Jobs Fair today! I was very proud of everything the children did and I’m sure you were too! Here is a video of all the adverts together, just in case you want to find…
Sport and Health – Jobs Fair
Continuing with our work linked to careers. Today we were set a challenge to find out about different jobs linked to Sport and Health. We are going to write reports about the jobs and make posters to persuade people to…
Big Me Week – Inspire
For our final Big Me theme of the year, we all took place in a whole school Inspire Week linking to Sport and Health. We had great fun trying out new sports and hearing about jobs linked to sport and…
Michelle Reader
In Art we have been looking at the work of Michelle Reader. We linked her work to our English unit and created sculptures made of metal pieces. Lots of us made robots like Jack in the short film we have…
Our visit to Hull
We made the most of our visit to Hull and visited the BBC Studios, wandered around the Art Gallery and took place in a training session at the KC Stadium – we had lots of fun!
We won!
As we mentioned in our last post, we have been busy working on magnetic birds for a competition! We are pleased to say we came away from the competition with a winners plaque and many certificates! Although our flying bird…
Science Competition
In Class 3 we have been very busy making birds for a competition. The birds had to fly down a zip wire and collect fish from the ocean! We had so much fun designing, making and testing them. Here are…
Careers Mark
Throughout the school year, we have been working on our BIG Me Week’s, focusing on career’s and skills for life. Each half term we have had a different focus – what do I want to be? – money management –…
British Values Week
Before half term, we held a whole school British Values week to link with our BIG Me careers focus. We were very lucky to have Alfie’s grandad come and talk to us about his careers in the Army and the…