Dare to Dream – Friday

We ended the week with a visit from Furry Friends Mobile Farm. Emma, Helen and Emma told us all about the animals they have, how many of them are rescue animals and the places they take them. It was amazing to watch the video of the ponies in the care homes and how happy they made people. After this, we got our own chance to handle some of the animals, it really was a brilliant session – thanks again for coming!

Dare to Dream – Thursday

On Thursday, Pippa’s Dad came to talk to us about Engineering. We found out about many of the projects he has worked on, from apartments to bridges and also about the company he currently works for near Bridlington. Before he left he set us our own engineering challenge to build a structure 15cm high which would balance an apple on the top, we had great fun and each team was successful!!

Dare to Dream – Tuesday

On Tuesday, I gave the children the opportunity to interview myself! They asked some fab questions which gave them much more of an insight into what happens behind the scenes at school.

Some of their comments really made me smile….

“I wouldn’t choose teaching – I don’t want to work weekends!”

“I would like marking books because I like being nosey”

“I didn’t realise there was so much planning to do”

“I’d love the chance to plan fun lessons like you do”

Dare to Dream

This week, the whole school has taken part in our first ‘Dare to Dream’ week focusing on local jobs in our area. We were very lucky to have the chance to meet several people and find out about their jobs. The children listened well and asked some fantastic questions!

The children also interviewed myself but I managed to avoid the camera!!

Another fab week

As well as the amazing models that have arrived each morning, class 3 have really impressed me with their hard work this week. We have completed some tricky addition work, worked hard looking at the features of diaries and fronted adverbials, completed more work on rocks and also on life in the Stone Age. The classroom really is fit to burst!!!

Stone Age Houses

I was so impressed with the fantastic models that came into school this week…You all worked so hard!!! Watch our video to see just how good they are!!

I was also very impressed with all the facts you found out. They will be very useful next week when we continue to look at homes and hopefully do some green screening!!??!!