End of Year

WOW! What a busy end of term!!

Class 3 you completely smashed the end of term…

– We loved watching the Year 6 leavers play – Freya played me so well!!

– Our Art and DT showcase was so well attended and we look forward to putting the money we made towards a new class text for guided reading.

– It was also lovely to see you all sharing the Big Brid Sing Songs with parents. It was great to see you all singing along again.

– We also had a great time sharing memories of the year – we have done so much, trips, visitors, amazing work, GREAT FUN!

Everyone should be very proud of everything they have done – have an amazing summer!!

Summer Update

I thought it might be useful to share a few important dates for Class 3 in the run up to the final weeks of the year – it’s always a very busy time.

It may seem that much of the above list involves you spending money, however I am sure you will agree that the children have had some amazing opportunities this year…

  • Dinostar workshop
  • Creating, cooking and then eating a full Greek meal
  • Experiencing using clay to make their own Greek Pot
  • Day visit to Hands on History Museum in Hull for Roman Workshop
  • Creating a Roman Tunic for their teddy bear
  • Day visit to Wassand Hall to explore the grounds, complete a doodle workshop and make Viking shelters
  • Creating framed Viking collages
  • Trip to Big Brid Sing to perform at Bridlington Spa

Many of these experiences have been subsidised by the PTFA (Dinostar, Wassand Hall, Hull Museum, Bridlington Spa) and also by the school in order to keep costs low and provide your children with amazing opportunities.

Thank you to those who have supported us with payments to each of these events. Unfortunately, if payment is not reached, often the already overstretched school budget has had to cover the costs. This then subsequently will stop us paying for other fun things in the future.

All previous visits are still available to be paid for on Parent Pay, if you may have forgotten to pay or feel you could now contribute something, please can we kindly ask you to go back and make a contribution. Thank you. Please remember to check the class blog and twitter to see all the fun things we have been doing. Our twitter account is @brandesburton_p  

We look forward to seeing you at our final events of the year. Thank you.

Mrs Altoft

Year 4s – Final Push for the Multiplication Check

All year we have talked about the Multiplication Check and your chance to show everyone how well you know your times tables. The chance is nearly here…

The Info…

The multiplication tables check (MTC) is statutory for all year 4 pupils registered at state-funded maintained schools, special schools or academies, including free schools, in England.

The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It will help schools to identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.

In 2024, schools must administer the MTC to all eligible year 4 pupils between Monday 3 June and Friday 14 June.

What is the test’s format?

The Multiplication Tables Check has been described as “an online, on-screen digital assessment” – meaning the children will take the test on a desktop computer, laptop or tablet (such as an iPad) at school. 

The times tables test will be timed, with the entire assessment lasting approximately 5 minutes in total. The children will be set a handful of practice questions to begin with – mostly from the one times table. Following the practice questions, the test itself will comprise of 25 questions, all formatted, for example, as 2 x 5 = with the child required to input the product or result, which in the example we’ve provided would mean inputting the answer 10.

Children will be given six seconds to answer each of the questions, with a three second blank gap between each question.

The questions will be randomly selected by the testing programme from 121 different options, ranging from 2 x 2 = up to 12 x 12. The test’s software has been programmed to show children more questions from the 6, 7, 8, 9 and 12 times tables, as these are trickier times tables focused on more in Years 3 and 4.






Do some practice on the websites and then have a dance to one of the crazy times tables videos!


We can do this!

Further info for parents….


Wassand Hall

Class 3 had an absolutely amazing day at Wassand Hall on Monday. The sun shone, we enjoyed the grounds, we all did some amazing drawings, we walked around the woodlands, we found out more about the Vikings, we built shelters and searched for coins.

It was lovely to see the children enjoying the outdoors in a safe environment. A massive thank you to the parents for dropping off and picking up but also an even bigger THANK YOU to Charlotte at Wassand for planning, organising and facilitating such a great day!

I think the children summed up our amazing day…

English Unit Update…

For the past couple of weeks, we have been looking at letters and the differences between formal and informal letters. After lots of exploring, the children have used the short film ‘teeth’ as their inspiration for writing their own letters. We have all really enjoyed using the short film to write informal letters from the old men to their wives and also formal letters to the Dentist asking for an appointment to replace their false teeth!

Have a watch of the film…what would you include in a letter if you were writing in the role of the characters?

Another fab week in Class 3

Yet again Class 3 have worked so, so hard…..

English…In English we have written some amazing story resolutions and endings. We have been using the wordless book ‘Journey’ to write a class story and then independently write our own endings. Take a look at some of the fav vocabulary we have used, what do you think Emily should do next? How would your story end?

Maths…In Maths both the Year 3s and Year 4s have amazed us with their fraction knowledge – Miss Northen was so impressed to see the Year 4s converting from improper fractions to mixed number fractions and also to decimals!

Design and Technology…This week we refined our skills in sewing. The children had great fun making little pouches in order to practice their over sew stitch. We were super impressed with the teamwork and resilience that was shown!

Here’s to another fab week

Mrs A