I hope everyone had a lovely Easter and enjoyed lots of Easter Eggs. As we begin the FINAL term of the year, it seems to have flown by! I hope everyone is ready to get busy with lots more great learning!
Our Topics in School
This term we will be looking at a number of new topics some of which are detailed below.
English – Endings and Resolutions, Letters, Fantasy Stories and Poetry | |
History – Anglo Saxons and Vikings | Art – Painting and Collage Skills |
Geography – Comparing the UK and a European Country | DT – Mechanisms and Structures |
Science – Year 3 – Plants and Animals | Science – Year 4 – Animals including Humans, Sound |
If you have any resources at home that may support any of our learning, please feel free to send them in with your child. All resources will be well cared for and returned afterwards.

Art Resources – For our Art unit, we will be looking at collage. If you have any coloured paper, rolls of wallpaper, old magazines, brown paper or the wrapping your get inside an amazon parcel, please send them into school.
Finding out what we are doing – Please remember to check twitter to see what we have been doing. Class 3 enjoy posting a tweet and seeing if we get any comments or retweets back. Our twitter account is @brandesburton_p
Guided Reading – We all loved Griffin Gate and we are equally excited to start our next text Stitch Head by Guy Bass. Last term some of the children bought their own copy of the text, if you would like to buy this terms, here is the link on amazon, https://amzn.eu/d/a3COKNA however you can pick up a cheaper second hand copy from various different websites. It is not necessary to buy a copy as we have enough for one between two but I know some of the children like to have their own.

Spelling, Handwriting and Presentation – This term we are having a big push on presentation and handwriting. We will continue to add spellings to Purple Mash and also add them to reading logs for those who struggle to access them online. Please work with us to remind your child about neatly presented work. We will be awarding children in assembly for those who are most improved.
Learning Times Tables – We are noticing that the children really need to embed their multiplication knowledge. We spend time each day on learning these skills, but we also have the rest of the maths curriculum to cover. Please ensure your child spends time regularly learning them at home. This is especially important for the Year 4 children who will be sitting the Multiplication Check in June which involves answering 25 questions on an ipad with 6 seconds per question. (More information to follow) The children all have access to times table rockstars and purple mash which contain a range of games and www.topmarks.co.uk also includes some fun alternatives.
Reading – Please continue to record reading daily in your child’s home school record book. We are happy for the children to write down their own reading in their logs and we welcome comments linked to the events in the books. If they are recording independently, please ensure there is an adult signature each week. As a school, we aim for at least 3 entries each week. All logs will be looked at on a Friday, but we will continue to change reading books any day of the week as long as it is recorded in the log with an adult signature.
Please contact me if you have any questions or queries, no matter how big or small. Feel free to email or catch me before/after school. I look forward to continue working with you and your child.
Mrs A