Christmas Fair News

As you will be aware we are planning a Christmas Fair on Tuesday 17th December and each class is planning the stalls and events in their own classrooms.

We thought it would be useful to let you know some of the stalls we have planned for our classroom and also ask for some help with resources.

Our plans….

  • Christmas Cuddly Toy Adoption
  • Polar Bear/Reindeer Biscuit Decorating
  • Christmas Crafts – Buy your cards, decorations and sweet jars – homemade by class 3
  • Mystery Bag Tombola
  • Toy Raffle – Some amazing toys donated from Tesco
  • Lucky dip type game

How you can help…

If you are able to donate any of the following it would be amazing…

  • Cuddly toys that need a new home!
  • Packets of milk or white chocolate digestive biscuits
  • Paint pens that can write on acrylic
  • Tissue Paper
  • Rolls of wrapping paper
  • Empty washed out Actimel Bottles
  • Any sweets that can be used in sweet jars
  • Any unwanted gifts/games/toys/chocolate that can be used in the mystery bags.

Anything will help and consequently help to raise much needed funds for our class.

Please send any items into school as soon as possible so that we can start putting our plans into action!!

Thanks for your continued support.

Mrs Altoft and Team Class 3

Weekly Round Up 22.11.24


This week has flown by because we have been so busy! From pedestrian skills to diary writing, from learning about grid references to focussing on multiplication in maths – everyone has worked so hard!

In English we have been using a short film to complete diary entries in the role of the character. The children have worked so well on writing about the awful day that the character has. We only used half of the video so if you are wanting a sneak preview of what happens at the end…here is the link to the video!

In Maths, both year groups have been working on multiplication. In year 3 the expectation is to know by heart the 2, 3, 4, 8 and 10 times tables and in year 4 the expectation is all times tables to 12×12. Learning times tables is a life skill and can be used in so many other areas of Maths.

Please spend some time each week focussing on learning times tables. Please choose a times table to focus on and use times table rockstars/purple mash or the websites below to practise.

Or, if you want to be a little more creative, you could make your own multiplication game. You will find some ideas below. Have a look around the house to see what you can find to use, choose a times table to focus on and create a game. When your game is finished grab someone to play your game with.


What’s happening?

27th November – Come dine with me events. Join your child for one of Mrs Gell’s delicious roast dinners

4th December -Charlotte Eldred the artist will once again be in school working with the children. She will be helping them to design Doodle Art Christmas cards.

6th December – Dress Down Day – with donations for School Christmas Fair

12th December – KS2 Christmas Performance

17th December – Christmas Fair 2pm

19th December -Christmas Disco

Lets have another fab week!

Weekly Round Up 15.11.24


Another great week in Class 3. This week we have explored anti bullying, celebrated world kindness day and also Children in Need. As part of this work, we created a beautiful set of bunting with important characteristics of a good friend. The bunting is now up in Miss Northen’s office – she LOVES it! Pop in to see it if you get chance!

Class Targets

To continue our work from Wednesday on World Kindness Day we are going to have a focus on KINDNESS! How are you kind at home? What act of kindness have you carried out in school, Try to do even more every day!

Next Week’s Dates

Championing Maths – Monday Morning (18th)

Pedestrian Training – Thursday 21st Nov – Just for the Year 4s.

Wear what you want – Friday 22nd Nov – Bring in an item for the colour raffle – Class 3 is red

Weekly Round Up 8.11.24


Class 3 had a great first week back. We began our new English unit focussing on diary entries and also completed our History Unit. I was really impressed to hear the children discussing the main achievements of the Ancient Egyptians – we have clearly learnt lots. I was also very impressed to see lots of learning at home completed – we love to celebrate this work on a Friday. Please continue to send it in.

Home Challenge – Perhaps you could keep a diary at home. It would be a great way to practice your writing but also lovely to look back on and see what you have been doing!


These spellings will be given out on Tuesday

What’s happening next week?

Remembrance Service – On Monday we will show our respect by holding our annual Remembrance Service on the front grass. All welcome.

Anti-bullying Week / World Kindness Day – This week the children will take part in a number of activities linked to Anti-Bullying including special online assemblies – On Tuesday the children are welcome to come to school wearing Odd Socks.

Children in Need – On Friday the children can come to school in Non-Uniform for a small donation. As part of our Children in Need celebrations we hope to take part in an online dance session hosted by Dame Darcey Bussell. Please consider this when choosing your non uniform outfits.

Advance Dates

21st November – The Year 4s will take place in their pedestrian skills session

18th November – Championing Maths morning

13th, 20th, 27th November: Come dine with me events. Join your child for one of Mrs Gell’s delicious roast dinners

21st November – Well-being coffee morning


Weekly Round Up 25.10.24


Art Week – Wow!!

Class 3 have had an amazing week of Art. We have learnt how to overlap, layer, billow, coil and twist. We then used our skills to make some amazing collages of the River Nile. Thank you for all the materials for our work.

We have also had great fun today in our Be Bright Be Seen clothing to remind us to stay safe now that the nights are getting darker.


Well done to our Top Readers of the Half Term! I have been so impressed with all their reading so far – keep it up!

We hope everyone has a super half term – stay safe

See you on Monday 4th November.

Mrs A

Weekly Round Up 18.10.24


Another fab week in Class 3. We have all worked so hard on our setting descriptions in English. The children were set the challenge of drawing and then describing their own ‘Chocolate Room’ based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We explored both the book and the films before drawing our own. We had some fab ideas, including marshmallow stepping stones, toffee apple trees, chocolate waterfalls and much more. What would you include in your ‘Chocolate Room’? Watch the video for some inspiration…

Parents Evening

Thank you to everyone who joined us on Tuesday for a very ‘long’ parents evening! I thought it would be useful to share some of the websites and resources that I discussed with some parents.

Below are the Year 1-4 common exception words. These are words that cannot be sounded out and just need to be learnt. Within the purple mash spelling programme we will focus on 10 words from the Year 3/4 list each half term but if you wanted to check your child can spell all the Year 1/2 words and then work on the Year 3/4 that would be fab.

Maths, below are a list of useful websites with a range of maths resources. A skill that really needs to be worked on at home is learning times tables. This can be done through games on Purple Mash or TTRockstars (logins are all in your child’s reading log) or through rote learning, flashcards etc. It really is a valuable skill that just needs to be learnt.

Please feel free to catch me on the playground if you have any further questions

What’s happening next week?

Art Week – THIS WEEK! – Please ensure your child brings a small bag of collage materials. This can be pages of magazines, coloured wrappers, shiny paper, tissue paper, strips of paper, wallpaper left overs. We will be using them to complete individual collages linked to our Egypt work – greens, browns, yellow and blues would be brilliant.

Be Bright Be Seen – On Friday 25th October, the children are welcome to come to school in bright colours. This is to show the importance of making sure we consider the clothes we are wearing as the dark nights start to close in.

Have a go at this game to see if you would be seen on a dark night!


No new spellings will be issued this week due to Art Week – please continue to consolidate all spelling patterns from this half term using the spellings given out last week.

Diary Dates

Have a lovely half term when Friday comes.

Mrs A

Weekly Round Up 11.10.24


Another fab week has flown by in Class 3. A highlight has to be our work in History exploring Egyptian hieroglyphics. The children all worked hard on Friday afternoon to make their own cartouches with their names in hieroglyphics. I was very impressed with some of our artist skills!

Challenge – Can you write a message in hieroglyphics for someone to solve?

Talking of artistic skills please remember to collect collage materials for Art week next week – just incase you missed it on last weeks blog, details can be found below…

What’s happening next week?

On Monday, we will be having our Harvest Festival in school. If anyone would like to bring in a donation, all product will be going to the food bank. Thanks in advance for any products.

All children should have come home with their parents evening appointments. I look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday.


Below are the spellings that will be given out on Tuesday. For the next two weeks, we will be consolidating the different spelling patterns that we have looked at this half term. The following lists include spellings from previous weeks and should serve as a recap and allow us to consolidate them further.

Challenge – Can your child choose ten spellings and apply them to their writing?

Diary Dates

EventDateOther details
Parent’s Evening15.10.24Due to the class size, Class 3’s appointments will be running throughout the day from 10am-5.30pm. The Year 4s parents will also get an opportunity to talk to Miss Northen about the Maths that your child has been working on.
Diwali1.11.24Whole school celebrations (developing understanding and  knowledge of different  world faiths)
Remembrance Day  11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Anti-bullying Week11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Whole School SEND reviews12. 11.24Class teachers/ SENCO
Championing Maths18.11.249.00 am Parents and carers shown around to look at maths across the school and champion learning.
Christmas Fair6.12.242.30 pm All families and friends of Brandesburton welcome.
Christmas Performances10.12.2410.00 am Foundation Stage 10.45 am KS1 Performance
Christmas Performances12.12.2410.30 KS2 Singing at church 1.30 KS1 performance (school)
Christmas Disco19.12.243.15 – 4.15 (snack and drink) Party outfits brought to schoo

Weekly Round Up 4.10.24


Another fab week in Class 3 – the highlights have to include our amazing character descriptions. I was so impressed with our failed projects and the fab descriptions everyone wrote about them. Everyone’s finished work has been included in our class book – feel free to pop in and see it! Here is a sneak preview of two of the pages…

Everyone did so well!

Also, a massive well done to everyone for our Cross Country session on Tuesday – the children all did so well, despite the weather, and our medal winners were very well deserved!

What’s happening next week?

Not for next week, but for Art Week in a couple of weeks, we would like each child to collect a small bag of collage materials. This can be pages of magazines, coloured wrappers, shiny paper, tissue paper, strips of paper. I thought it might be useful to give a prior warning so everyone can start collecting bits. We will be using them to complete individual collages linked to our Egypt work.

Thanks for everyone who has sent back Parents Evening forms – I will send out appointment times as soon as possible.


Below are the spellings that will be given out on Tuesday. Please work with your child to learn these at home and we will also look at them and other words with these spelling patterns in school.

Diary Dates

EventDateOther details
World Mental Health Day10.10.24Assembly / Class Activities
Parent’s Evening15.10.24Due to the class size, Class 3’s appointments will be running throughout the day from 10am-5.30pm. The Year 4s parents will also get an opportunity to talk to Miss Northen about the Maths that your child has been working on.
Diwali1.11.24Whole school celebrations (developing understanding and  knowledge of different  world faiths)
Remembrance Day  11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Anti-bullying Week11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Whole School SEND reviews12. 11.24Class teachers/ SENCO
Championing Maths18.11.249.00 am Parents and carers shown around to look at maths across the school and champion learning.
Christmas Fair6.12.242.30 pm All families and friends of Brandesburton welcome.
Christmas Performances10.12.2410.00 am Foundation Stage 10.45 am KS1 Performance
Christmas Performances12.12.2410.30 KS2 Singing at church 1.30 KS1 performance (school)
Christmas Disco19.12.243.15 – 4.15 (snack and drink) Party outfits brought to schoo

Weekly Round Up 27.9.24


Another busy week in Class 3 this week. From place value work in maths to punctuation in English, from exploring the River Nile in History to discussing online safety in Computing – we have completed so much.

A couple of highlights include some more amazing work in Science – the Year 3s have enjoyed finding out about the properties of different types of rocks and the Year 4s have explored the melting points of different chocolates and sweets – the children are all loving the investigation side of our science work and the discussions they are having is really interesting to hear.

This week in Guided Reading we have continued to read our text ‘The boy who stole the Pharaoh’s lunch’. We are doing lots of echo reading to work on our expression and earlier in the week we had a great session focusing reading dialogue between two characters. The children loved the opportunity to work in pairs and really get into the role of a character.

Finally, on Friday afternoon, as part of our Religion and Worldviews work, we discussed remembering and the events of a Christian funeral. The children were so sensible and sensitive to others in their discussions, it really was lovely to see.

Failed Project Challenge – I have loved to have ‘failed projects’ arriving on my desk this week – I was so impressed with the children’s ideas and designs. Everyone who completed the challenge received Class Dojo points for their efforts. Please do continue to bring in any work completed at home – we love to see it!

What’s happening next week?

Next week, the children need to come to school in PE kit on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child has a pair of indoor shoes as well as their trainers, just to wear after PE and hopefully keep the carpets in school as clean as possible.

On Tuesday, we are lucky to have someone from the school sports partnership to run a cross country event just for year 3/4. I’m sure all the children will enjoy the event!

Reading Percentages

Each week we check through reading logs to see who has read at least 3 times. Last week, the year 4s beat year 3 with 14/15 of the year 4s reading 3 times or more. Please support your fellow classmates by ensuring you read at least 3 times. I wonder who will win next week?


Below are the spellings that will be given out on Tuesday. This week’s spellings focus on the Common Exception Words, words that do not follow a spelling pattern. Please work with your child to learn these at home.

Diary Dates

EventDateOther details
World Mental Health Day10.10.24Assembly / Class Activities
Parent’s Evening15.10.24Due to the class size, Class 3’s appointments will be running throughout the day from 10am-5.30pm. The Year 4s parents will also get an opportunity to talk to Miss Northen about the Maths that your child has been working on.
Diwali1.11.24Whole school celebrations (developing understanding and  knowledge of different  world faiths)
Remembrance Day  11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Anti-bullying Week11.11.24Assembly / Class Activities
Whole School SEND reviews12. 11.24Class teachers/ SENCO
Championing Maths18.11.249.00 am Parents and carers shown around to look at maths across the school and champion learning.
Christmas Fair6.12.242.30 pm All families and friends of Brandesburton welcome.
Christmas Performances10.12.2410.00 am Foundation Stage 10.45 am KS1 Performance
Christmas Performances12.12.2410.30 KS2 Singing at church 1.30 KS1 performance (school)
Christmas Disco19.12.243.15 – 4.15 (snack and drink) Party outfits brought to schoo

Weekly Round Up 20.9.24


A massive well done to Class 3 for a great week of learning!

In English we have continued to use the book The Barnabus Project as our stimulus. Today we have enjoyed designing our own failed projects and we are looking forward to writing about them next week. If you would like to have a go at drawing in the style of the Fan Brothers the following video shows you how they do it – Can you draw Barnabus?


If you would like an extra challenge – perhaps you could make your own failed pet in a ‘plastic bottle’ Bell Jar. Take a look at this photo for inspiration.

Everyone has worked hard in Maths again this week. A highlight for the Year 3s was getting to write on the tables! We worked very hard on flexible partitioning and also had great fun!

The Year 4s also had a fun in Science this week exploring changing states of ice cubes and using thermometers to measure temperature.

We have had a very busy week!

What’s happening next week?

On Thursday the children will enjoy an assembly linked to European Day of Languages. Perhaps you could watch a french cartoon at home or have a French chat.

Please ensure the children have their logs and books in school each day as we have opportunities for 1-1 reading sessions throughout the week. We will look at reading logs on a Friday to see who has read 3 times and choose our star readers.


Well done to everyone who has been working hard to practice their spellings. Below are the spellings that will be given out on Tuesday.

Our Class Targets

This week we have begun daily handwriting sessions to really work on our handwriting and presentation. We will continue to build up our joined writing skills and we look forward to seeing the results in our written work.

Diary Dates

Extra Date for Class 3 – Tuesday 1st October – The children will need to come to school in PE kit as we will be joining in a Cross Country event at school. Please ensure the children also have a change of shoes to wear in school after the event.