This week we have started our new English Unit by exploring the story of George’s Marvellous Medicine. We have looked at the character of Grandma and begun to write a character description about her. We enjoyed watching a section of the story read to us on you tube. Have a watch yourself. Can you use expression like this?
A massive well done to everyone who went swimming this week – we all had a fab time and I was very impressed with some of our amazing swimming!
Next week
World Book Day is happening on Thursday! Please see previous school newsletters for information. We are inviting every child to come dressed up as a character from a David Walliams book and also have lots of fun activities happening throughout the day.
One of these events is our special World Book Day Lunch…hot of the press…here is our menu!
Also make sure you sign up for our Reading Afternoon Tea on Parent Pay, Mrs Gell is baking some yummy buns!
We have had an amazing artweek. Our focus was sculpture and we all made Egyptian Death Masks – Everyone worked so hard and I can’t wait to paint on the final details after half term – we plan to invite you to our Egyptian Art Gallery Soon!
This week’s shout out go to our English Unit – We have been working hard on writing letters linked to the story of Egyptian Cinderella. It has been great to use a text we knew really well to write some amazing letters. The children loved the opportunity to write them up on ‘old fashioned’ paper afterwards! We were even allowed to use our pens!!!
As a treat, have one last watch of Egyptain Cinderella.
Thank you to those who came to our championing writing – we hope you enjoyed seeing our writing in action!!
Another fab week in Class 3 – Thank you for all the parents who joined us for Championing Maths on Wednesday, it was great to let you see all the great Mathematical work we are doing.
The following link explains the White Rose Maths Programme we follow as a school. If you have any further questions please ask in school.
As a class we are contining to work on our presentation. We are loving how hard everyone is trying and we now have new handwriting books to improve even more!
Highlights – The highlight of our week this week has to be today when we all got to sit in a fire engine and use a hose as part of a whole school focus on Fire Safety.
Everyone loved it!!
Spellings – Year 3 – appear material library perhaps sentence various regular bicycle possess caught
Spellings – Year 4 – scheme chorus chemist echo character ache monarch stomach orchid orchestra
Next week – Championing Maths – 9am – Wednesday 29th.
Highlights – Another great week in Class 3 – This week we have continued to use the text Egyptian Cinderella – the children have learnt how to use speech punctuation and we have enjoyed exploring different conversations that the characters could have. Next week we will begin to write our own endings to the story as we have received a very special email.
We can’t wait to read the endings.
Next week – On Monday we will be exploring the religion of Islam as part of our work on World Religion Day.
Class 3 have made a great start to the year. Our highlights have to be our English and History work. This week we have started a new writing journey throughout school. I have been so impressed with Class 3’s attitude to their work – remember to ask them about what we have been doing. On Friday, we had lots of clues and items to explore, linked to our new text. As you can see below, the children made some great inferences and we can’t wait to get started with our work linked to the story.
We were also impressed with the children’s work in History this week. To start our new unit, we began by recapping our learning from last term. We were so impressed with how much the children had remembered.
Class Targets
This week, our class challenge is to increase our reading percentage. As discussed in the school newsletter this week, reading is so, so, so important. We always see who has read 3 times on a Friday – please support your child in making sure they do not let their year group down. I wonder if the year 3s will beat year 4 this week?
Thank you to everyone who donated items for the Christmas Fair or attended the fair itself. We were very proud of our stalls and the children loved seeing their ideas come to life. Just from our stalls we raised almost £200 and as a whole school we raised over £900. This is an amazing amount and will help with many much needed resources.
If we don’t see you before Friday, we hope you have a lovely Christmas and New Year. We will see everyone back to school in 2025!!
As you will be aware we are planning a Christmas Fair on Tuesday 17th December and each class is planning the stalls and events in their own classrooms.
We thought it would be useful to let you know some of the stalls we have planned for our classroom and also ask for some help with resources.
Our plans….
Christmas Cuddly Toy Adoption
Polar Bear/Reindeer Biscuit Decorating
Christmas Crafts – Buy your cards, decorations and sweet jars – homemade by class 3
Mystery Bag Tombola
Toy Raffle – Some amazing toys donated from Tesco
Lucky dip type game
How you can help…
If you are able to donate any of the following it would be amazing…
Cuddly toys that need a new home!
Packets of milk or white chocolate digestive biscuits
Paint pens that can write on acrylic
Tissue Paper
Rolls of wrapping paper
Empty washed out Actimel Bottles
Any sweets that can be used in sweet jars
Any unwanted gifts/games/toys/chocolate that can be used in the mystery bags.
Anything will help and consequently help to raise much needed funds for our class.
Please send any items into school as soon as possible so that we can start putting our plans into action!!
This week has flown by because we have been so busy! From pedestrian skills to diary writing, from learning about grid references to focussing on multiplication in maths – everyone has worked so hard!
In English we have been using a short film to complete diary entries in the role of the character. The children have worked so well on writing about the awful day that the character has. We only used half of the video so if you are wanting a sneak preview of what happens at the end…here is the link to the video!
In Maths, both year groups have been working on multiplication. In year 3 the expectation is to know by heart the 2, 3, 4, 8 and 10 times tables and in year 4 the expectation is all times tables to 12×12. Learning times tables is a life skill and can be used in so many other areas of Maths.
Please spend some time each week focussing on learning times tables. Please choose a times table to focus on and use times table rockstars/purple mash or the websites below to practise.
Or, if you want to be a little more creative, you could make your own multiplication game. You will find some ideas below. Have a look around the house to see what you can find to use, choose a times table to focus on and create a game. When your game is finished grab someone to play your game with.
What’s happening?
27th November – Come dine with me events. Join your child for one of Mrs Gell’s delicious roast dinners
4th December -Charlotte Eldred the artist will once again be in school working with the children. She will be helping them to design Doodle Art Christmas cards.
6th December – Dress Down Day – with donations for School Christmas Fair