I must start by mentioning the amazing video that Mrs L forwarded to me yesterday – well done it was lovely to see all your smiling faces and fab messages!! I miss you all too!!
A review of Tuesday – Another fab day of learning Class 3. Well done to those who caught up with yesterday’s challenges, those who did some cooking and those who tackled some tricky Maths. It certainly looked like you enjoyed fractions websites to consolidate some of our learning – well done.

The PE challenge made me smile, in the gardens of class 3 yesterday there was circuit training, throwing, rugby ball catching, cartwheels, penguin walks and even a dangerous activity involving having a bowl on your head!! A big shout out the the Douglas Crew who all got involved!! I will continue to share your ideas in our PE lessons – maybe when we are back at school we can play one video after the other on the big screen in the hall and have a crazy, varied PE session!
Below are some screen shots of the different videos I received…

I must share this video with you though…Nancy, your cartwheeling is simply amazing….37 cartwheels in a minute…can anyone beat it?
Living Museum Answers
Well done to those who had another go at the photo guessing….Olivia you were SOOOOO close with your guesses…here are the official answers….I’m sure you will all agree it was lovely to see everyone’s treasured items…How many did you get correct?

Yesterday I also received two more photos of ‘special’ items to share with you from Rosie and Thomas. I love the way Thomas has annotated his photos to explain why they are special.

Today’s Challenges
English – We are not going to read/watch anymore of the story today but have a look at using expression when reading. Rik Mayall does this brilliantly so I thought we could ‘magpie’ some of his strategies and have a go at performing with expression ourselves. Enjoy listening to him read a section of it and then choose your own section to try out.
If you have a copy of the book you can choose any section of the story, if not I have uploaded some extracts to seesaw or you can read some of the story using the link below.
You do not need to read lots, just a section
Can you read your chosen section using expression, practice using different voices before performing your extract to someone at home. You may even wish to add in props, costumes and sound effects for a full on performance!

Wellbeing – As it is Wednesday again, I thought we would have some more wellbeing. Can you complete my wellbeing scavenger hunt? It might be nice to complete it with someone else from your family so you can discuss the different items that you choose.

We have a similar scavenger hunt card game at our house and is always interesting to see the random things that the girls choose! If you wish to upload a photo of your items I will share some on the blog. Have fun and remember to think out of the box!!
Stay Safe Mrs A
Wow- tea looks delicious and the PE challenge looks great fun. Well done class 3.
From Mrs Ledingham