Wow class 3, it’s May already – did you remember to say ‘white rabbits’ when you woke up to bring you luck for the month?
Well done to everyone who posted work yesterday – when I logged in at about 1pm I had 45 posts to approve and another 25 later on! I received maps, videos, maths work, more marvellous medicines and more PE challenges. I loved seeing everything. The Geography challenges were particularly impressive…

I must include these two videos I received, Lachlan and Alasdair not only found out where the food came from, but also learnt how to say ‘hello’ in each country – Mrs C your accents are great!!
I must also share with you Louisa’s reading with expression video because it is simply cool and a little spooky!!
Lots of BIG shout outs today – A big shout out has to go to Thomas who had completed both of yesterday’s tasks by 9am! and then went on to complete many other challenges throughout the day – well done Tom! I must also mention Leo who wanted everyone to know that he had made glue with flour and water – you will have to show us how when we run out of glue sticks Leo!! Also a special mention to Fred who is already turning into an amazing big brother – he made a puppet show for baby Dexter!
Can you all remember Nancy’s cartwheel challenge from PE on Tuesday? Well Nancy, I hate to tell you, but you have been beaten! Maisie has completed 39 cartwheels in a minute!! Can anyone beat Maisie? Nancy do you think you can add more to your score? I can feel a head to head coming on!
Talking of challenges….we have another one…Annabelle would like to challenge Class 3 to her ‘star jumps on a trampoline’ challenge!…Annabelle’s record is 64 star jumps in a minute…can anyone beat that??
Today’s Challenges
I am not going to post too much today, just to give anyone who needs to a chance to catch up. If you haven’t already helped with lunch or tea, you could have a go at that, or maybe offer to get your grown up a cup of tea or a snack – they are all working so hard at home with you at the moment!
Pobble – I thought we would have a Pobble Challenge for the first time in a few weeks.

Before you start writing think about these questions; Who has written the letter? Why have they sent it? Who has received it? Where was it found? Was there more to the letter or was this it? Discuss your ideas with an adult before you start writing. Remember your ideas can be sensible or a little bit silly. For example, it could be a tiny letter from the fairies at the bottom of your garden, a message left on your newest Lego model in the middle of the night or part of a secret love letter from Tom to Annabelle!
Use these ideas to write a story. using this start..
The letter simply said ”Thank you’….
Remember to write for about 20 minutes. No more, it needs to be a short story based on what you think the picture is about.
Grammar – As we normally do on Friday in class, I have set a short grammar/language activity. After our fab acting and reading with expression, I thought we would see if we could put some of this emotion into our writing. Can you make the sentences more interesting? Please write your sentences into your home learning book or onto paper to give you a chance to practice your handwriting.

Friday Treat – Like last week’s movie treat, I wanted to set you another reward for all your hard work. So, today or over the weekend, I want to see some fab photos of your daily exercise. It could be a photo of the beautiful scenery around Brandesburton or a photo showing me how you have been getting around. I’ve been going out on my scooter quite a bit but I think this weekend I might get my roller blades out – I hope I can remember how to do it! So have the afternoon off and get outside! (Weather permitting!)
If the weather is rubbish, your treat is to play a game with your family. What are your favourites? We currently like happy families, dobble and grabalo. However yesterday we had lots of fun with a simple game of snakes and ladders. Send me some photos of new game suggestions for my girls.

Have fun, see you here on Monday! x
Loved Lachlan and Alasdair’s geography videos! I have to say though that Mrs C was the star of both videos and has definitely missed her calling in life to be a voice over actor!