WARNING IT’S ANOTHER LONG POST….Morning guys! I can’t believe it’s already Friday again – the weeks are flying by! Thursday saw yet more fab learning in Class 3. It looks like you are all doing well with telling the time and your photography skills are ace! I also enjoyed seeing more talents….I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s …thanks for the comments! I agree with Nancy and Arthur, it would definitely be golden buzzers all round!
Here are some of your fab photos…looks like you had fun!

Next….Ready for a catch up of some more talents? Let’s go…
First up, Zak, today he would like to show his own talent of dinosaur naming….some tricky names there Zak, well done!
Leo is back, this time with a different talent….He would like to share his Computing skills with us, he has been altering images, changing sound and making videos
Next up James, he can reverse his tractor better than his Dad…looks like you will be in the real thing soon James!!
Now for Phoebe and some amazing gymnastic skills…so cool Mrs!
Liam’s up next, on his bike… but he is riding without holding the handlebars! Wow Liam!
Annabelle wants to share some of her fab dancing with everyone…love it!
Oliver’s talent is cool…look how long he can hang from his bars…Wow!

Finally, Maisie and Matilda would like to share something we made yesterday afternoon. Matilda’s school work this week was all about beanstalks so we made our own version of Jasper’s Beanstalk…!
Today’s Challenges
As it’s Friday, I’m not going to post too much as I like to give everyone a chance to catch up before the weekend and of course we have to have Treat Friday!
Spellings – I thought we would move spellings to a Friday, or did I just forget to post them on Tuesday!?!? This week’s spellings are some of the common exception words. Check out purple mash to see how many you can’t get right.
Also try out these websites to practice more of the common exception words…
This second site also covers many of the spelling patterns for year 3 so could be useful for a recap.
English – If you didn’t finished your rainbow poem, please spend some time finishing it today. I would love to make a display of them in school so you may want to write up your poem, or part of your poem and illustrate it. If you have already done this please keep it save for our return!
Extra Challenge if wanted – Just to finish off our rainbow work, I’ve found a rainbow scavenger hunt for us to try…can you find some items and then create a rainbow with them and upload a photo? How creative can you be?

Treat Friday – On Wednesday, I shared my Disney drawings, I thought as a treat you might like to have a go! Use the guides on seesaw to have a try…I would love to see your drawings!
Have a fantastic weekend….go for a walk or a bike ride….enjoy the dry weather….stay safe!
This whole lockdown malarkey feels like it has gone on for a LONG time! Thank you Mrs A for starting our Friday morning with a smile, we loved Jasper’s Beanstalk. Altofts got Talent!!!