Another great day in our ‘virtual’ classroom yesterday Class 3 – well done! I hope you enjoyed my reading of Sam’s Sandwich!! Well done to everyone who worked on retelling the story. I must share Lachlan and Alasdair’s video – its fab boys….
Other fab retellings…

Breads from around the world….

Belle even made her own bread!

Other things people were busy with….

Well done guys….keep it up! Here are you ‘sandwich’ related tasks for today….
Today’s Challenges
Maths – Today we are going to continue with our work on time and concentrate on solving some problems…your clock will be useful again. I would like you to imagine you are working in Brandesburton Sandwich Shop, can you work out when everyone’s sandwiches will be ready for them to collect?

Art/Design – After working in the sandwich shop, you decide that you want to open your own Sandwich Shop!
Your challenge is to think of a name for your shop and design a logo for it. You might even want to think about what the front of your shop would look like, I have uploaded a template to seesaw for this…be creative!

Have a great day, I’ll catch up with seesaw posts after school x