Morning Class 3, I hope you are all up and ready for a day of home learning!
Today the challenges start…..Today’s Challenges
Challenge 1 – English – I hope everyone got some lovely Christmas Presents, if we were in school today we would have been talking about them and discussing who received what. Your challenge today is to write a riddle about your present for others to guess what you received. Can you remember when we wrote riddles about animals in our science books? Remember they need to have some tricky clues and some easier clues, they need to be written in the first person (I) and end with ‘What am I?’ I can’t wait to solve yours….can you solve mine?

Please post your riddles to seesaw and I will upload them from there. They can be handwritten, typed or even recorded – however works best for you. I will post my answer and all of your riddles tomorrow for us all to solve.
Challenge 2 – Art/Reading – As we will be unable to swap your reading books, I would like you to choose a book from home to read over the next few weeks. This could be something a little longer that you read as a family, at my house, we are currently reading a book called Danger Gang. Maisie and I are enjoying sharing the reading so some nights I read some and other nights she does. Because I would like you to choose a longer book, you will need to read it over a few weeks. In order to not lose your page, a bookmark is very handy…so, your second challenge today is to create your own bookmark. Please upload a photo of your bookmark to seesaw so I can see how great they are. If you are stuck for ideas have a look below or I have uploaded a template to seesaw that you could copy or print.

Challenge 3 – Wellbeing Wednesday – As during last Lockdown, on a Wednesday, we will have a ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’ challenge. As it is a new year, I would like you to think about what you would like to achieve this year and write your own New Year’s Resolutions. I had planned to have a display of them all in the classroom using the title…

and we were going to write our resolutions on ‘right foot’ templates. Can you write your own in this way? You could draw round your own foot and write in the middle, use the template on seesaw by adding a text box or draw a foot on some big paper – maybe you could write some resolutions as a family on a giant foot. I look forward to reading your ideas.

So, there are your first 3 challenges. Remember to pop back tomorrow to see how everyone else tackled the challenges and see what else I have planned for us all.
Have fun…..Mrs A x