Hi Class 3, this certainly isn’t the way I hoped to start the term!

Firstly, I hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Year, thank you for all my lovely gifts. I know everyone’s Christmas and New Year plans were a little different this year but I hope you still had some fun and that Santa came!!
Unfortunately, Christmas day now seems a bit of a distant memory and after spending the day yesterday in school completing an amazing display to start our new theme and planning some fun activities, I am so sad to not be able to share it all with you in ‘real life’. But, for the next few weeks, this will become our ‘virtual classroom’ so lets have lots of fun! Here is the display for you all to see….

Our New Theme
As you can see, our theme this term is ‘Buried Treasure’ and we will be looking firstly at Anglo Saxons and then Vikings. I wonder what you would like to find out about? Have a think as we will start to look closely at this from next week but this week we thought it would be good to complete some activities linked to Christmas like we would have done in school. This will also help to get us all used to remote learning and uploading our work to seesaw.
Our Home Learning Plan
Each day I will upload a post for you to find out about the challenges for the day. Most days their will be 3 challenges to complete, please try your best to complete as much as you can and upload your work to seesaw to show me what you have done. This can be in the form of photographs, pictures and writing using the seesaw app or a piece of work uploaded from elsewhere. I really do not mind how it is uploaded to seesaw. If anyone is having difficulty uploading, just email it through and I can add it to your child’s journal.
On the blog, I will also share any work I receive from the previous day so everyone can still see what everyone else has been busy with. Please remember to check the blog each day and post your work through seesaw so I can see it and share it. If you need to contact me please do so through the class email class3brandesburton@gmail.com
Can’t wait to see all your work tomorrow! Stay safe, Mrs A x
We’ve got the horrible histories books so now would be good time to get him to read them ?
I bet he will love them!! I can’t wait to hear his latest fact!! x