To start with a massive shout out to the birthday girl today….I will see you at school with my singing voice!!! Have a lovely day!

More amazing work yesterday Class 3 – over 100 pieces of work for me to look at and approve on seesaw! I was so impressed with your English work, you have made some amazing language choices and your box designs were so brilliant. Big shout out to Leo who made his box himself out of wood and used a power drill for the screws! (I think it was a drill – DIY is not a strong point of mine!!) and also to Ruby who filmed herself reading her poem with amazing expression. I was also really impressed with your fantastic Maths work which lots of you displayed using Pic Collage – I am so impressed with how well you are all using the app – great computing skills as well as Maths – SUPERSTARS!

Right, onto today….

Your daily checklist…..

  1. Spelling / Phonics
  2. English –Planning our poem
  3. Maths – Measuring
  4. Art – Sketching jewellery
  5. Music

Today’s Challenges

Spelling – My spelling group, please continue to practice the spellings given yesterday, perhaps you could complete the wordsearch, the dominoes or write some sentences containing our spelling words today. I’m in school today and I thought we would use them to play hangman – maybe you could do the same?

Phonics – Mrs Prince’s phonics group, today I would like you to explore another long vowel ‘e’ sound – ‘e_e’. Watch this video to see some examples…

Next, can you spot and write down any e_e words in this picture…

English – Today we are going to plan some more of our poem by brain storming what we are going to put into our box. Have another quick look at this part of the poem, the items inside are all described to paint a picture inside the reader’s head. Try to include some strange items in your box, items that don’t quite make sense – like the ‘cowboy on a broomstick’ . Consider the questions below to help you think of your ideas.

Today I just want your to think of ideas and then tomorrow we will start to put them in order. I have added a template to seesaw which may be useful. I can’t wait to see your ideas. You will need either 6 or 9 ideas to follow the pattern of the poem.

MathsToday we are going to continue to work on measuring, focusing on measuring accurately using centimetres. Unfortunately there are no white rose videos, like we used last week, for this part of the unit, so I have saved some questions to seesaw for you to work through and discuss with a grown up at home. As an extra challenge, can you upload some photographs to show you using a ruler accurately? Can you add the measurement in cm?

Art – To continue our work on Anglo Saxon jewellery, today we are going to look closely at some pieces of jewellery, discuss the pieces and then have a go at sketching some of them.

Firstly, take a look at these pieces, use the questions to think about the pieces of jewellery and talk about them at home. If you want to write down your ideas, you could add them as a text box or a note on seesaw but I’m happy if you just talk about it and then do the sketching part of the task (see below)

Next, I challenge you to try to use your drawing skills to sketch each piece.

I can’t wait to see your drawings.

Music – Today we will use the next lesson from Oak Academy focusing on pulse. We really enjoyed the lesson in school last week so I hope this one is just as good.

Have a great day!

Mrs A x

Home Learning – Tuesday 19.1.21

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